Pinguicula from 'Cantina del Racons'
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Family : Lentibulariaceae
Genus : Pinguicula
Name : Pinguicula grandiflora
synonyms : the plants can be found under "Cantina dels Raconis" or "Cantina dels Racons"
Sub-classification (Casper) : link
Publication : Lam. in Encycl. Méth. Bot. 3 (1789) 22
Perennis. Rhizoma simplex breve radicibus numerosis adventitiis filiformibus. Folia 5 - 8 radicalia rosulata integerrima oblonga vel ovato-oblonga vel obovata rotundata obtusa subsessilia vel in petiolum plus minusve valde attenuata margine plus minusve involuta superne glandulis sessilibus stipitatisque +/- dense vestita (25) 30 - 45 (50) mm longa (10) 12 -20 (30) mm lata. Hibernacula; gemmae. Pedicelli 1 - 3 erecti crassiusculi glandulis stipitatis disperse apicem versus +/- dense obsiti (40) 60 - 150 (230) mm alti uniflori laete virides vel rubescentes. Flores magni (20) 25 - 35 (40) mm longi (calcari incluso). Calyx bilabiatus viridis vel purpureus extus glandulis stipitatis disperse obsitus; labium superum uque ad dimidium vel profunde trilobum lobis usque ad 2/3 longitudinis coalitis. Corolla bilabiata purpureo-caerulea raro rosea vel albescens aeque longa ac lata (calcari excluso) extus glandulis stipitatis singularibus obtecta; labium superum bilobum lobis cordatis vel obovatis erectis vel subrtroflexis vix longioribus quam latis; labium inferum trilobum lobis latissimis cordatis retusis basi multo angustioribus aeque longis ac latis inter se multum tegentibus lobo intermedio lobis lateralibus quidquam maiore obscure violaceo-striato. Tubus infundibuliformis +/- ventricosus intus pilosus pilis longis cylindricis. Calcar cylindraceum rectum obtusum subbifidum (8) 10 - 12 (14) mm longum dimidium tubi limbique corollae quidquam superans lilacinum. Stamina +/- 2.5 mm longa. Stigma bilabiatum labio infero flabelliformi. Ovarium subglobosum extus glandulis stipitatis disperse obsitum. Capsula subglobosa-ovoida calycem excedens. Semina scobiformia fusiformia (0.6) 0.85 (1.1) mm longa (0.2) 0.3 (0.4) mm lata alveolata.
Chromosomata 2n = 32
Translation :
- soon -
in 1999, I found in Allen Lowrie's carnivorous plants seeds catalogue, some seeds labelled Pinguicula sp. Cantina dels Raconis, Andorra. I bought some seeds and succeeded in two small plantlets.
In 2000, one of my professional travelling was planed in Andorra for two days only. I tried to find in a map this localisation but unfortunately, it wasn't possible.
Along the main road to Andorra-la-Vella, I found a dripping wall that could have Pinguicula. I park my car near a restaurant and and found many Pinguicula grandiflora subsp. grandiflora on this wall. Coming back to my car parked near a restaurant, I was astonished to read the name of this restaurant :
"Cantina dels Racons" !
Here at last with a big amount of luck !
Localisation / Map:
Along the main road to Andorra-la-Vella, not far from the village of Canillo.
(click on the map for better location and relief map)
On bright dripping limestone wall.
Introduction in culture :
My plants comes from seeds labelled from the place described below.
(North hemisphere, France near Paris, in a garden - see the map -)
Life cycle :In spring, the cycle begins by the opening of the winter buds and the production of the first carnivorous leaves. The first leaves are followed by the flowers in summer. New carnivorous leaves are produced during all the season. Near autumn, or earlier, if your conditions are not optimal, the next hibernacula is revealed in the centre of the rosette. Then leaf production stops and the old leaves decay slowly. The plant (reduced now to a small hibernacula) is ready for winter and for the next cycle.
Media: I use a 100 % mineral media : 2 perlite, 2 vermiculite, 1 small sand (for aquarium), 1 fine white sand, 1 pouzzolane (volcanic lava), 2 marly calcareous detritus.
Pot : In small box, with direct sun for 5 hours per day.
Cultivation : The long term cultivation of temperate Pinguicula is difficult : If the summer growing conditions are not optimal, the plants will form very weak hibernacula which easily rot.
Optimal summer growing conditions are : good air humidity, cool temperature and UV lights.
Multiplication : By seeds or using the gemmae produced in great number around winter hibernacula.
PICTURES: (click to enlarge)
"Cantina dels Racons", the plants are on the right of the picture.
Photo : Eric Partrat - - |
Habitat of the plants from "Cantina dels Racons".
Photo : Eric Partrat - - |
Habitat of the plants from "Cantina dels Racons".
Photo : Eric Partrat - - |
Close-up of the flower of Pinguicula grandiflora subsp. grandiflora from "Cantina dels Racons".
Photo : Eric Partrat - -
Close-up of the flower of Pinguicula grandiflora subsp. grandiflora (from Jura mountains).
Photo : Eric Partrat - June 2001 -
Close-up of the flower of Pinguicula grandiflora f. pallida.
Photo : Eric Partrat - June 2001 - |
Close-up of the flower of Pinguicula grandiflora subsp. rosea.
Photo : Eric Partrat - June 2001 - |