Pinguicula Species, Hybrids, and Cultivars

Pinguicula acuminata

If there is a Pinguicula whose history is strange, it is Pinguicula acuminata without doubts. It was described by Bentham in 1839 being based on the winter r...

Pinguicula agnata x emarginata

Pinguicula agnata x Pinguicula emarginata. One of this crossing in Japan is named Pinguicula x ‘sakurahime.’ From Naoki Tanabe (Japan)’s Pinguicula collection.

Pinguicula agnata

There are several forms of this Pinguicula in cultivation. The plants differ by the shape and coloration of the leaves and also by the shape and colour of th...

Pinguicula albida

This species can be found in the western part of Cuba, in the same area as P. filifolia for example.

Pinguicula alpina

Pinguicula alpina is the only temperate Pinguicula that keeps his roots on the winter hibernacula. The size of the flower is rather constant but the yellow s...

Pinguicula antarctica

This species can be found from Tierra del Fuego (south Argentina) to the island of Chiloe in Chile. According to Casper, the habitat can be either sphagnum b...

Pinguicula moranensis ‘Ayautla’

There are two plants labelled Pinguicula sp ‘Ayautla’ in collections worldwide. Don’t be affraid, the two plants can’t be mixed up. One plant was found by A....

Pinguicula balcanica

This species can be found in moutains chains of Southeastern Europe. Albania, Macedonia and Bulgaria. Jurg Steiger and Jan Schlauer found in 1995, in the Var...

Pinguicula benedicta

The plant was discovered in 1910 by Shafer and described 10 years later by Barnh and originated from the region of Moa-Baracoa.

Pinguicula bissei

Between the years 1966 and 2003, numerous expeditions from German and Cuban botanists in the eastern mountain ranges of Cuba have led to the collecting of fr...

Pinguicula bohemica

There is a discussion for the status of P. bohemica as a true different species as the plant looks similar with P. vulgaris f. bicolor. Jurg Steiger wrote in...

Pinguicula calderoniae

Explorations in valleys in cloud forest in the border of Queretaro and San Luis Potosi states revealed a Pinguicula with a bilabiate corolla with long-infund...

Pinguicula calyptrata

From Columbia and Ecuador. Not listed as occurring in Peru by Casper. Listed by Taylor as known from Peru but no specimens seen at Kew.

Pinguicula caryophyllacea

The region of Moa-Baracoa, is the most important area for the vegetal endemism in Cuba, and probably in all the Caribbean area, with 967 taxa endemic, of whi...

Pinguicula casabitoana

Paul Temple, a VIP in carnivorous plants world had the chance to see P. casabitoana in nature. He reported a sad story about a terrible damage, the Republic ...

Pinguicula chilensis

In the southern part of South America only two Pinguicula can be found. P. antarctica from the southern point of the Tierra del Fuego up to the 42° of latitu...

Pinguicula colimensis

One of the most beautiful species within the genus Pinguicula was described in 1963 for the first time by the 2 American botanists McVaugh und Mickel. Even c...

Pinguicula conzattii

Alfred Lau, the famous Botanist found this species around 1987 near the village of Santiago Nuyoo in Oaxaca. He sent seeds to various growers in Europe and t...

Pinguicula corsica

Six millions years ago the Mediterranean Sea was more or less dry, i.e. the Corsica island was not disconnected from the continent by the Atlantic waters ent...

Pinguicula crassifolia

The type comes from Hidalgo, municipality of El Chico, Las Ventanas, at an altitude of 3000m. There are numerous locations mentioned in the publication. Cerr...

Pinguicula crenatiloba

Mr. Ed Greenwood is a well known botanist in the Oaxaca area. I had the pleasure to discuss with him a few times by phone and through letters. He now lives...

Pinguicula cyclosecta

According to IPSG, Newsletter, the habitat “is a north facing, vertical limestone wall rising above Abies/oak woodland. The air is cool and windy. The rosett...

Pinguicula debbertiana

Pinguicula debbertiana comes from Mexico, state of San Luis Potosi, Huizache crossing. No more data. There are many towns with the name Huizache in San Luis ...

Pinguicula dertosensis

From Central to east Spain, from Puertos de Tortosa (Tarragona) and Beceite (Teruel) until Sierra de Tejeda (Granada) according to publication.

Pinguicula ehlersiae from ‘Tehuacan’

Some seeds labelled Pinguicula moranensis type ‘Tehuacan’ were mentioned in Harald Weiner’s seeds list in 1987. It is possible that the plants comes from th...

Pinguicula ehlersiae from Tolantongo

Small rosetted plant looking like a small Pinguicula elhersiae. The colour of the flower is unique according to Laurent Legendre it is shine blood red ! I ha...

Pinguicula ehlersiae

The type specimen of this species was collected near Guadalcazar in the Mexican state of San Luis Potosi by Mrs Renate Ehlers in 1979. The plant was introduc...

Pinguicula elizabethiae

P. elizabethiae was discovered in 1990 during the investigations on the ecological impact of the future building of the Zimapan dam on the Moctezuma canyon. ...

Pinguicula elongata

Even if this species have been introduced recently in culture in Europe in in-vitro conditions and then can be found in very few cp nurseries, long-term grow...

Pinguicula emarginata

You can find Pinguicula emarginata in the state of Puebla, in Mexico, in Cascade Oligui, between Teziutlan and Tlapacoyan, on river banks, in the cloud fores...

Pinguicula esseriana

Pinguicula esseriana comes from Mexico, state of San Luis Potosi, in a high-tray near El Huizache.

Pinguicula filifolia

P. filifolia is a tropical homophyllous species, growing in an habitat which is called “sabanas arenosas” (white sand savannah) in the western part of Cuba. ...

Pinguicula fiorii

The species was discovered in Italy, in the Majella mountains and described in 1987. There was a controversy on the fact that these plants were a new species...

Pinguicula gigantea ‘synalta’

The plant looks closely related to Pinguicula gigantea. In “Welcome to the wonderful world of the Mexican Pinguicula” by N. INAHO, this plant is mentioned to...

Pinguicula gigantea

This plant was found by the famous botanist Alfred Lau. The story of the discovery was published in IPSG, Newsletter N°3, May / June 1993 under the title “ T...

Pinguicula gracilis

This species was mistaken in the past for Pinguicula pumila from USA until Dr Sergio Zamudio, the well known Mexican botanist, studied it and gave a true spe...

Pinguicula grandiflora f. chionopetra

During the summers of 1989, 1990 and 1991 in one of the Burren populations, white flowered plants were seen and photographed. The flowers were enterely white...

Pinguicula grandiflora f. pallida

This forma can be found growing among normal Pinguicula grandiflora populations in the Jura mountains. Jurg Steiger mentions that this pale form is likely to...

Pinguicula grandiflora subsp. rosea

This endemic species has all the characteristics of Pinguicula grandiflora. But the spur and the flowers are smaller, the spur is also purple. The colour of ...

Pinguicula greenwoodii

Mr. Greenwood herborized, preserved in (en toutes lettres) ( FAA), and took photographs and notes on all the Pinguicula that he found. These specimens were ...

Pinguicula gypsicola

Collected on wet gypsum rocks. It is a typical lythophyte and it grows in shaded situation. The plant grows in the company of Cactaceae, Agave stricta, Selag...

Pinguicula hemiepiphytica

Pinguicula hemiepiphytica comes from Mexico, state of Oaxaca, at 58 km north of Ixtlan, along the road above Valle Nacional, on steep mossy banks, under bosq...

Pinguicula heterophylla

Pinguicula heterophylla shows a close similarity with Pinguicula medusina with which it shares many common features. It is now clear that there are differen...

Pinguicula ibarrae

This species have been found and grown by a Mexican carnivorous plants grower, Sr. Adolfo Ibarra Vasquez. He is, above all, a restless Pinguicula hybridizer....

Pinguicula immaculata

The discovery of a new species can be sometimes due to the chance. In January 1990, one of the authors (A. Lux), found a new species of Pinguicula in flowers...

Pinguicula involuta

In wet mosses, at altitudes of 2700m to 3400m. You can also read the postcard N°8 from Fernando Rivadavia in Perou.

Pinguicula ionantha

Pinguicula ionantha grow near the Gulf coast in the Florida panhandle between Tallahassee and Panama City (Godfrey and Wooten 1981, Florida Natural Areas Inv...

Pinguicula jaraguana

It was in 1968/1969 that H. Lippold, herborizating in the area found a member of the Pinguicula family and mention it without more details. Later, in 1976, H...

Pinguicula jaumavensis

According to the publication. In the vertical cracks of feldspath (alumino-silicate rock of sodium, potassium or calcium, that are constituent of igneous roc...

Pinguicula from Lagunas de Montebello

One of the plants collected and sold in the 80’s by the famous Harald Weiner as seeds. Lagunas de Montebello, is a national park (23 sq mi/60 sq km), in SE C...

Pinguicula laueana

From Mexico, Sierra Mixe, state of Oaxaca. According to Alfred Lau, it is near Ayutla, not far from the big fall along the road. Not far, the highest point i...

Pingicula leptocera

Pinguicula leptoceras can be found in the Alps of western Austria, northern and northwestern Italy, Switzerland and Southeastern France. P. leptoceras was al...

Pinguicula lignicola

Pinguicula lignicola is an epiphyte plant, growing upon bushes on high humidity area. According to the collected specimen overhanging a stream. The specimen ...

Pinguicula lilacina

Pinguicula lilacina, Pinguicula sharpii, Pinguicula takakii and are very similar, but can be distinguished by the leaves. Pinguicula takakii, (5 to 16 mm wid...

Pinguicula longifolia subsp. caussensis

Pinguicula longifolia subsp. caussensis is an endemic to a small area in France called Les Causses. Althought growing in much milder climate its summer leave...

Pinguicula longifolia subsp. longifolia

Pinguicula longifolia subsp. longifolia is a subalpine endemic to a small area in the central Pyrenees. The flowers show some characteristics of Pinguicula g...

Pinguicula lusitanica

Pinguicula lusitanica is a species restricted to coastal areas from the Mediterranean coast of north-western Africa along the Atlantic coast of Spain and Fra...

Pinguicula lutea

Pinguicula lutea lives in the south-east USA and can be found in Florida, along the Gulf Coastal plain from north to southeast North Carolina to the eastern ...

Pinguicula macroceras

The long term cultivation of temperate Pinguicula is difficult. If the summer growing conditions are not optimal, the plants will form very weak hibernacula ...

Pinguicula macrophylla

Pinguicula macrophylla can be found in different localities in Mexico. Between Guanajuato and Santa Rosa near San Luis Potosi, in Pico El Agujon, in Puerto d...

Pinguicula medusina

This plant grows in Mexico and can be found on gypsum hills at Laguna Encantata, at about 3km north from Santiago Juxtlahuaca in the state of Oaxaca. This pl...

Pinguicula mesophytica

This species was mistaken in the past for Pinguicula moranensis HBK until Dr Sergio Zamudio, the well known Mexican botanist, studied it and gave a true spec...

Pinguicula mirandae

According to the publication, the plants grow in tropical caducifolia forest, on rocky slopes shaded and wet in the border of the rio at an altitude of 1250 ...

Pinguicula moctezumae

P. moctezumae was discovered in 1994 during the investigations on the ecological impact of the future building of the Zimapan dam on the Moctezuma canyon. Fo...

Pinguicula moranensis var. alba

I was quite surprised to find a white coloured flower of Pinguicula moranensis. Is it a seedling from normal plants from San Cristobal de Las Casas that gave...

Pinguicula moranensis ‘ANPA’

The plants have been collected in Mexico by A. Lux (the describer of P. immaculata) about more than 10 years ago (before 1994 ?) and were grown in culture by...

Pinguicula moranensis from El Chico

El Chico National Park is located on the eastern side of the Sierra de Pachuca mountains and ranges in altitude from 2,320 meters to a height of 3,090 meters...

Pinguicula moranensis f. flos-mulionis

The plant was collected in Mexico by Omer de Malzinne and brought back to Edouard Morren for description. I found this plant in J.J. LABAT collection (manage...

Pinguicula moranensis ‘Kirkbright’

It was in mid March 1987 when I was in Mexico looking for cacti and other succulents. The weather was already very hot, I would think over 30 degrees. I was ...

Pinguicula moranensis var. neovolcanica

Pinguicula moranensis H.B.K. is one of the most widespread species in its genus all over central America but this is also the most taxonomic confusing specie...

Pinguicula moranensis from Pachuca

This plant can be found under the ambiguous names of Pinguicula sp. Pachuca, Pinguicula moranensis ‘Pachuca’ and under a mislabelled name Pinguicula moranens...

Pinguicula moranensis ‘Rio Grijalva’

This plant is labelled “Rio Grijalva”. As the Rio Grijalva runs into the Canyon of Sumidero (Canon del Sumidero) in Oaxaca and as plants labelled Sumidero 1 ...

Pinguicula moranensis from Xichu

From Sierra de Xichu, Guanajuato, Mexico. Not yet published - can be found under the name Pinguicula sp. Xichu, Pinguicula moranensis ‘Xichu’…

Pinguicula mundii

This ‘species’ is something in between P. longifolia and P. vallisneriifolia. Geographically and climatically the evolution of sort of a transition stage bet...

Pinguicula nevadensis

Pinguicula nevadensis is exposed to very intensive sun radiation in habitat but its leaves remains only slighty reddish colored. The plants can be found near...

Pinguicula nivalis

This species was mentioned by Dr Alfred Lau, in Bonn, Germany, in 1998, during the 2nd conferency of ICPS. He thought of another population of P. immaculata...

Pinguicula parvifolia

The type specimen comes from Sierra de San Esteban, near Guadalajara in Jalisco state in Mexico. According to the publication, Pinguicula parvifolia can be f...

Pinguicula planifolia

Pinguicula planifolia can be found in very wet habitat. Seep slope, bog, dome swamp, ditches of the coastal plain, growing among grasses. This species have l...

Pinguicula poldinii

On steeps rocks in Val d’Arzino north of San Francesco, along the wet uphill border of the road. The majority of these sites are likely to have been created ...

Pinguicula potosiensis

From Mexico, state of San Luis Potosi, at 48 km East of the town of San Luis Potosi, in the direction of Rio Verde. P. potosiensis site is located near Aguac...

Pinguicula primuliflora

Pinguicula primuliflora can be found in very wet habitats along streams, small ponds…but also in drier habitat often flooded. These plants are then, smaller.

Pinguicula pumila

Pinguicula pumila occurs in various habitats. Savannas with sand or with peaty-sand, in the edge of sandy hammocks among grasses. P. pumila grow in more sand...

Pinguicula ramosa

Morphologically I cannot distinguish the flowers of P. ramosa and P. variegata. Also the stalks, winter buds and seeds capsules are almost identical. The onl...

Pinguicula rectifolia from ‘Tonala’

Unfortunately, two similar clones can be found worldwide in culture. One is labelled as coming from Tonala, near Huajuapan de Leon in Oaxaca state (Oliver Gl...

Pinguicula rectifolia

From Mexico, state of Oaxaca, district of Juxtlahuaca, Sierra Madre del Sur, Presa Morelos / Rio Balsas (ca. 98°10’ / 17°20’, NW Putla de Guerrero).

Pinguicula rotundiflora

This species was first mentioned in Harald Weiner’s seeds catalogue around 1980 under the name Pinguicula “species nova N°2”. The species was then officially...

Pinguicula x scullyi

As I was looking for the exact location of the Pinguicula from La Baladosa with its strange colours (see link), I found in a wet meadow, a place with Pinguic...

Pinguicula x ‘Seductora’

Pinguicula x ‘Seductora’ ( = Pinguicula laueana x Pinguicula emarginata) From Stan Lampard’s Pinguicula collection.

Pinguicula sharpii

This species was found and collected in the winter 1972, in Chiapas Mexico, by the Dr. A.J. Sharp from the university of Tenessee, Knoxville. Althought Pingu...

Pinguicula from Sierra Obscura

This plant was discovered by the famous botanist Dr Alfred Lau in Mexico in 1972. It was in the Sierra Obscura, one of the most beautiful landscapes of all t...

Pinguicula species - unknown

I found this plant in J.J. LABAT collection (manager of the famous French Nursery “Nature et Paysage”). He told me that he started growing this plant with se...

Pinguicula stolonifera

Although it has been identified with P. oblongiloba (S. Zamudio), Hans Luhrs wrote that it differs from the latter by having much shorter, narrower, and deep...

Pinguicula from Sumidero

These plants are labelled “Sumidero”. This is a well known tourists spot in Chiapas called in fact Sumidero Canyon (Canon del Sumidero in Mexican). It is a ...

Pinguicula takakii

Pinguicula takaki was discovered by the Biologist F. Takaki and is very similar with Pinguicula lilacina Schlecht. & Cham. and with Pinguicula sharpii Ca...

Pinguicula utricularioides

Pinguicula utricularioides, collected only once and described quite recently by ZAMUDIO & RZEDOWSKI, is rather certainly one of the most spectacular and ...

Pinguicula vallisneriifolia

From Spain, Prov. de Jaen. This is a natural Parc made of many Sierra. The most important is the Sierra de Segura. The Sierra de Cazorla or de Las Villas are...

Pinguicula variegata

Pinguicula variegata can be found in alpine sphagnum bogs, tundras and on mossy slopes and wet rocks at altitudes from 1450 m to 2200 m. It grows from sea le...

Pinguicula villosa

This species can be found in (sub)artic area of north America and Eurasia (but not occuring in Greenland, Iceland and Spitzbergen).

Pinguicula vulgaris f. bicolor

There is a discussion for the status of P. bohemica as a true different species as the plant looks similar with P. vulgaris f. bicolor. Jurg Steiger wrote in...

Pinguicula zecheri

Is P. zecheri a true species or not…? (By Fernando Rivadavia) Between ~2250-2400m we saw great populations of flowering P.zecheri – or maybe I should call th...