Pinguicula involuta

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Family : Lentibulariaceae

Genus : Pinguicula

Name : Pinguicula involuta


Sub-classification (Casper) : link

Publication : Ruiz et Pav. Flora Peruviana  et Chil. 1 (1798) 20


Perennis. Rhizoma simplex breve radicibus adventitiis filiformibus numerosis. Folia (4) 7 - 10 (12) radicalia rosulata integerrima ovato-oblonga obtusa basi attenuata margine valde involut superne glandulis stipitatis disperse obsita basin versus utrimque nervi mediani pilis subulatis vestita (8) 15 - 25 (30) mm longa (4) 8 - 12 (17) mm lata subtus brunneo-purpurea. Hibernacula nulla. Pedicelli 1 - 4 (8) erecti teretes glandulis stipitatis dipserse obsiti (35) 45 - 60 (84) mm alti uniflori. Flores parvi (8) 10 - 12 (14) mm longi (calcari incluso). Calyx bilabiatus purpureo-viridis extus glandulis stipitatis singularibus obsitus; labium superum usque ad 1/2 - 1/4 longitudinis trilobum lobis late oblongis acutiusculis vel obtusis +/- 1 - 2 mm longis ; labium inferum plane bilobum lobis obtusis vel acutiusculis. Corolla bilabiata violacea vel pallide violacea raro albida venis obscuris extus glandulis stipitatis singularibus vestita; labium superum bilobum lobis subrectangulis angulis rotundatis subemarginatis vel integerrimis latioribus quam longis +/- 0.5 - 1.5 mm longis +/- 0.75 -2.5 mm latis; labium inferum multo maius trilobum lobis obovatis vel subrectangulis angulis rotundatis emarginatis (lobo intermedio multo maiore valde emarginata +/- (1) - 5 mm longo lobis lateralibus +/- (1) - 3.5 mm longis basi pilis cylindricis modice dense obtisis). Tubus subcylindricus obliquus venis purpureis intus sparse pilosus parte inferiore pilis in triabus lineis cylindricis ordinatis cum palato. Palatum bivesiculatum sparse pilosum pilis cylindricis. Calcar conicum obtusum vel acutiusculum (2.5) 3 - 4 (4.5) mm longum longitudine lobi intermerdii corollae perspicue curvatum. Stamina +/- 1 - 1.5 mm longa; pollen (4) 5 - 6 (7)-colporatum. Ovarium subglobosum glabrescens . Stigma bilabiatum; labio infero flabelliformi superne piloso inferne papillato. Capsula subglobosa +/- 3 m longa. Semina scobiformia numerosa ellipsoida 0.4 - 0.6 mm longa, 0.2 - 0.25 mm lata alveolata.


Chomosomata ignota.


Floret V - XII.


Holotypus : In altis frigidis et humidis Pillao, et Panao Huassahuassi, inter muscos (Ruiz et Pavon - non vidi). 


No data


According to the Missouri Botanical Database :
Bolivia Cochabamba: 3200 m,18 Nov 1984, Luer, C., J. Luer & R. Vasquez 10496 (MO).
Bolivia La Paz: Yungas, 3400 m, 16.18S 67.55W, 12 noviembre 1987, James C. Solomon 17416 (LPB, MO). Corolas azules.
Peru Pasco, Oxapampa : 2700 m,7 March 1986, H. van der Werff, G. Zúñiga, R. Arce & W. Pariona 8524 (MO). Flowers purple

According to Casper

Bolivia : Unduavi, Nordyungas

Peru : Peruvia, Mito, Dept. Huanuco, Sariapampa, Torrehuasi



 In wet mosses, at altitudes of 2700m to 3400m. 


You can also read the postcard N°8 from Fernando Rivadavia in Perou.

Introduction in culture :

- Not yet - 


I would grow instinctively P. involuta like P. lusitanica.

According to the altitude, this species should be grown more as a "temperate" species than as a "tropical" species.

PICTURES: (click to enlarge)

The habitat of Pinguicula involuta found by Fernando not far the trail.... 


Photo : Fernando Rivadavia

The habitat of Pinguicula involuta, a cliff with mosses. 


Photo : Fernando Rivadavia

Impressive cluster of Pinguicula involuta


Photo : Fernando Rivadavia

Impressive cluster of Pinguicula involuta, note the red coloration of the rosettes. 


Photo : Fernando Rivadavia

The red coloration can be a result of a high sun exposure.


Photo : Fernando Rivadavia

Pinguicula involuta


Photo : Fernando Rivadavia

The flower of Pinguicula involuta.


Photo : Fernando Rivadavia

Close-up of the flower of Pinguicula involuta.


Photo : Fernando Rivadavia

Pinguicula involuta not far the 4-day Inca trail in Perou.


Photo : Fernando Rivadavia

Pinguicula involuta not far the 4-day Inca trail in Perou.


Photo : Fernando Rivadavia

Note the angle between the spur and the corolla and the veination of the gorge. 


Photo : Fernando Rivadavia

Note the angle between the spur and the corolla and the veination of the gorge.

Photo : Fernando Rivadavia

Note the red scape and red calyx of Pinguicula involuta


Photo : Fernando Rivadavia

A mature seeds cap and a flower on Pinguicula involuta rosette. 


Photo : Fernando Rivadavia

Pinguicula involuta exhibiting various red colourations on the rosette.


Photo : Fernando Rivadavia

Pinguicula involuta.


Photo : Fernando Rivadavia

Close-up of the red calyx on a Pinguicula involuta flower.


Photo : Fernando Rivadavia

Close-up of the flower of Pinguicula involuta showing the hairs.


Photo : Fernando Rivadavia

Close-up of the flower of Pinguicula involuta showing the hairs.


Photo : Fernando Rivadavia

Close-up of two flowers showing two different colors of spurs.


Photo : Fernando Rivadavia

Close-up of the flower of Pinguicula involuta showing calyx, glandular scape and veination.


Photo : Fernando Rivadavia

Reverse close-up of the flower of Pinguicula involuta showing veination. One can note a similarity with flowers of Pinguicula vulgaris.


Photo : Fernando Rivadavia

close-up of the flower of Pinguicula involuta showing the calyx.


Photo : Fernando Rivadavia

close-up of the flower of Pinguicula involuta showing the hairs. This view make me think of Pinguicula mundii


Photo : Fernando Rivadavia

Pinguicula involuta growing among mosses.


Photo : Fernando Rivadavia

Comparaison of three "close" south-american species. 

Pinguicula antarctica

Photo : E. Partrat

Pinguicula involuta

Photo : F. Rivadavia

Pinguicula calyptrata

Photo : Botanical Garden of Nitra.

Pinguicula antarctica

Photo : E. Partrat

Pinguicula involuta

Photo : F. Rivadavia

Pinguicula calyptrata

Photo : Ivan Pencak

Pinguicula antarctica

Pinguicula involuta

Pinguicula calyptrata


Corollas drawings by Dr. S.J.Casper