
  • Family: Lentibulariaceae
  • Genus: Pinguicula
  • Name: Pinguicula moctezumae
  • Sub-classification (Casper): link
  • Publication: Dr Sergio Zamudio y Dr Ricardo Zirahuen Ortega
    • “Una nueva especie de Pinguicula (Lentibulariaceae) de los estados de Queretaro e Hidalgo, Mexico”, Acta Botanica Mexicana, 28, pages 57 to 62, 1994.
  • Etymology: The name of the plant referred to the canyon of the Rio Moctezuma where the plant was discovered.

Description (by the Authors in publication)Permalink

Herba perennis. Folia radicalia rosulata, biformia ; « hiemis » 20 – 30, crassa, elliptica vel oblongo-eliptica, apiculata, obtusa, base attebuata, 5 – 30 mm longa, 3 – 7 mm lata, facie concova, dorso obtuse carinata, apiculo glanduloso-pilosulo ; « aestatis » 8 -15 (20), erecta, lanceolato-linearia, (50) 60 – 100 (130) mm longa, basi (3) 5 – 8 mm lata, superne glandulis sessilibus et stipitatis dense vestita, marginibus involutis, base ciliata. Hibernacula nulla. Pedunculi 3 – 5 erecti, filiformes, glandulo-puberuli, basi glabrescentes, (60) 70 – 140 mm alti, uniflori. Flores (35) 45 – 55 (65) mm longi (calcari incluso). Calyx bilabiatus, extus glandulis stipitatis dense obsitus ; labium superum profunde tripartitum, lobis oblongo-lanceolatis. Corolla ringens, profunde bilabiata, rosea vel violaceo-purpurea ; labium superum bilobum, lobis orbiculatis, olatis vel late cuneatis, rotundatis, (8) 10 – 13 mm longis, (9) 10 – 16 mm latis, inter se tegentibus ; labium inferum paulo majus, trilobum lobis orbiculatis (9) 10 – 15 mm longis, (8) 10 – 15 mm latis, inter se tegentibus. Tubus brevessimus, infundibuliformis, 5 – 8 mm longus, sine palato, intus pilosus, pilis cylindrico-subulatis, irregulariter ordinatis. Calcar cylindrico-tubulatum, (25) 28 – 35 (38) mm longum, violaceo-purpureum, intus pilosum, pilis cylindrico-tubulatis. Ovarium subglobosum, glandulis stipitatis nonnullis obsitum. Stigma bilabiatum, violaceum, labio infero superiorem superanti, suborbiculato, fimbriato. Capsula subglobosa, 6 mm longa, 4 – 4.5 mm lata, parum glandulis stipitatis obsita. Semina innumerabilia, fusiformia, +/- 1 mm longa, 0.2 – 0.25 mm lata.

Origin and HistoryPermalink

P. moctezumae was discovered in 1994 during the investigations on the ecological impact of the future building of the Zimapan dam on the Moctezuma canyon. For memory, this is also during the same investigations that was discovered Pinguicula elisabethiae and published later in 1999.

Location / MapPermalink

  • Pinguicula moctezumae can be found in the canyon of the Rio Moctezuma, state of Hidalgo and in Queretaro state (Rio Moctezumae is the frontier between Queretaro state and Hidalgo State), not far the city of San Joaquin, Municipality of Cadereyta.

(click on the map for better location and relief map)


According to the Author, Pinguicula moctezumae grows on calcium carbonate concretions, in the stream bed or walls with water drainings, on wet limestone slope (I think it is Tufa) at altitudes of 900 to 1100m.

Temperature and PrecipitationPermalink

Click on the graph to enlarge and see the graph of normal precipitation and normal average temperatures. Normal values are 30-year averages for the period 1961 to 1990. The weather stations are grouped by region (see map of weather stations).

Introduction to HorticulturePermalink

This wonderfull species can be found worldwide in various carnivorous plants nurseries.

Growth and PropagationPermalink

(North hemisphere, France near Paris, in a polycarbonate greenhouse - see the map


Pinguicula moctezumae in the Botanical garden of Liberec (CZ).

This picture may be representative of what you could see in the habitat of this species in Moctezuma Canyon in Mexico. 

Photo : Jan Flisek

Pinguicula moctezumae in the Botanical garden of Liberec (CZ).

This picture may be representative of what you could see in the habitat of this species in the Moctezuma Canyon in Mexico. 

Photo : Jan Flisek

Pinguicula moctezumae in culture.

Photo : Andrew Broome

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Close-up of the flower of Pinguicula moctezumae

Photo : Jan Flisek

Pinguicula moctezumae in culture.

Photo : Andrew Broome

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Pinguicula gypsicola in culture

Photo : Jan Flisek

Close-up of the flower of Pinguicula moctezumae

Photo : Andrew Broome

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Close-up of the flower of Pinguicula gypsicola

Photo : Jan Flisek

tufa : calcium carbonate

A chemical sedimentary rock composed of calcium carbonate, formed by evaporation as a surficial, spongy, porous, semifriable incrustation around the mouth of a hot or cold spring or seep, or along a stream carrying calcium carbonate in solution, and exceptionally as a thick, bulbous, concretionary or compact deposit in a lake or along its shore. It may also be precipitated by algae or bacteria. 

Pinguicula moctezumae

Photo : Vic Brown

- April 2003 - 

Wonderfull view on the National Parc of "Los Marmoles" near Zimapan in Hidalgo State.

Los Mármoles (National Park)
San Vicente gorge, almost 610 meters deep, and Cangando Mountain at 3,018 meters are the principal attractions of this 57,875 acre park. Forests of pine, juniper and wild walnut cover the gorge and mountains, and various animals and birds inhabit the area.

This image in its original context, on the page :


The impressive dam of Zimapan in the canyon of the Rio Moctezuma.
