
  • Family: Lentibulariaceae
  • Genus: Pinguicula
  • Name: Pinguicula macroceras subsp. nortensis
  • Sub-classification (Casper): link
  • Publication: Pinguicula macroceras subsp.nortensis by J.Steiger ex J.Steiger & H.Rondeau, in International Pinguicula Study Group Newsletter 8 : 3 (1997)

Description (in publication)Permalink

Differt a typo foliis tenuioribus; lobis calycinis obtusatis; corolla aliquantum pallidiore; lobis corollae aliquantum angustioribus; non imbricatis, plus oblongis quam obovatis (typus : lobi plus obovati quam oblongi); longitudine corollina calcar includente 13 - 21 mm; calcari 6 - 11 mm; pubescentia in corona labii inferioris corollae uniformiter capitata cum 3 - 6 segmentis fere aequilongis, pubescentia faucis cum 3 segmentis basalibus longis angustisque capitatis cum 1 segmento tulipiformi et 6 - 7 segmentis terminalibus ellipticis, segmentum ultimum saepe divisum, pubescentia tubi breviore, segmentis terminalibus diminuentibus et aliquibus segmentis ultimis apiculatis; capsula globosa calycem vix superante. Hab. in scopulis humidis et umbrosis (raro in paludibus) Californiae septentrio-occidentalissimae Oregonaeque austro-occidentalissimae. Habitatione saxicola (ophiolithica) et distriutione geographica disjuncta distinte circumscripta.

Chromosomata 2n = 64

Origin and HistoryPermalink

Location / MapPermalink

This subspecies is restricted to the California-Oregon border.


Introduction to HorticulturePermalink

Growth and PropagationPermalink

North hemisphere, France near Paris, in a garden - see the map

Life CyclePermalink

In spring, the cycle begins by the opening of the winter buds and the production of the first carnivorous leaves. The first leaves are followed by the flowers in summer. New carnivorous leaves are produced during all the season. Near autumn, or earlier, if your conditions are not optimal, the next hibernacula is revealed in the centre of the rosette. Then leaf production stops and the old leaves decay slowly. The plant (reduced now to a small hibernacula) is ready for winter and for the next cycle.


I use a media composed of 1 sphagnum peat, 1 draining material for exemple non calcareous sand.


Big plastic box.


The long term cultivation of temperate Pinguicula is difficult : If the summer growing conditions are not optimal, the plants will form very weak hibernacula which easily rot.

Optimal summer growing conditions are: good air humidity, cool temperature and UV lights.

I grow my plants in my garden all the year with a good amount of direct sun.


By seeds or using the gemmae produced around winter hibernacula.


Wailing wall of Pinguicula macroceras subsp. nortensis in habitat (Northern California).

Photo : (c) 2000 Peter Sebborn
- Juy 2000 -  

Wailing wall of Pinguicula macroceras subsp. nortensis in habitat (Northern California).

Photo : (c) 2000 Peter Sebborn
- Juy 2000 -  

Other wailing wall of Pinguicula macroceras subsp. nortensis in habitat (Northern California).

Photo : (c) 2000 Peter Sebborn
- Juy 2000 -  


All pictures below with the exception of the D. rotundifolia photo were taken in one habitat in the Six Rivers National Forest (north west corner of california). The habitat is located directly at a little road along a river.
The site with D. rotundifolia was just a few kilometers north of the first site in a more wooden wetland.

Dieter Kadereit

Small habitat overview

Photo : Dieter Kadereit
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Overview Darlingtonia californica and Pinguicula macroceras subsp. nortensis.

Photo : Dieter Kadereit
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Young Darlingtonia californica and Pinguicula macroceras subsp. nortensis.

Photo : Dieter Kadereit
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Very amazing, at the same site : Pinguicula macroceras subsp. nortensis growing on hanging dead grass leaves.

Photo : Dieter Kadereit
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Pinguicula macroceras subsp. nortensis growing on hanging dead grass leaves.

Photo : Dieter Kadereit
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Pinguicula macroceras subsp. nortensis growing on hanging dead grass leaves.

Photo : Dieter Kadereit
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Drosera rotundifolia together with P. macroceras subsp. nortensis (in the upper right corner you will find some dead Darlingtonia californica leaves).

Photo : Dieter Kadereit
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An orchid sharing the habitat with Darlingtonia califonica and P. macroceras subsp. nortensis

Photo : Dieter Kadereit
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A group of Pinguicula macroceras subsp. nortensis with prey

Photo : Dieter Kadereit
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