Pinguicula gigantea
- Family: Lentibulariaceae
- Genus: Pinguicula
- Name: Pinguicula gigantea - can be found sometimes under its old names Pinguicula subsp. ayautla, Pinguicula ayautla.
- Sub-classification (Casper): link
- Publication: Hans Luhrs, in Phytologia, december 1995, 79 (6) : 389 - 392, “A new species of Pinguicula (Lentibulariaceae) from Mexico”
Description (By Hans Luhrs in publication)Permalink
Herba perennis, Rhizoma simplex brevis, radicibus adventitiis numerosis filiformibus. Folia radicalia rosulata, plus minusve uniformia, semierecta, laete viridia, utrinque glandulosa, glandulis sessilibus et glandulis stipitatis dense vestita; “hiemalia” 6 - 9, oblongo-obovata, apice rotundata vel obtusa, margine non involuta vel parum revoluta, 60 - 145 (- 165) mm longa, 40 - 70 (- 80) mm lata, basi 6 - 9 mm crassa. Hibernacula nulla. Pedicelli 1 - 4 (- 5) erecti, pallide viridi, glandulis stipitatis dense obsiti, (105 -) 150 - 185 mm alti, uniflori. Flores 28 - 33 mm longi (calcari incluso). Calyx bilabiatus, extus et intus glandulis stipitatis dense obsitus; labium superum trilobum, lobis ovatis, 3 - 4 mm longis, 3 - 4 mm latis; labium inferum bilobum, lobis anguste ovatis vel ellipticus, 2.5 - 3.0 mm longis, 2 mm latis. Corolla subisoloba, pallide purpureo-violacea vel albido-lilacina (RHS purple-violet 82D), margine violacea, extus glandulis stipitatis disperse vestita; lobis subaequalibus oblongo-obovatis vel subcuneatis, apice rotundatis vel obtusis, 10 - 13 mm longis, 5 - 9 mm latis, basi pilis longis cylindricis disperse vestitis. Tubus subcylindricus, laete viridis, basin versus leviter angustatus, violaceo-striatus, 9 - 11 mm longus, 4 - 5 mm latus, extus glandulis stipitatis disperse obsitus, intus pilosus, pilis longis cylindricis et pilis longis clavatis subcapitatis, sine palato. Calcar subcylindricum, obtusum, anguste angulato-ovatum, 5 - 8 mm longum, 1.5 - 2.0 mm latum, cum tubo angulum obtusum (130 - 140°). Stigma bilabiatum, album, labio infero superiorem superanti, suborbiculato, fimbriato.
Capsula subglobosa +/- 4 mm longa, glandulis stipitatis disperse obsita.
Semina numerosa, scorbiformia minutissima. Florescentia +/- I - IV - (?)
translation : (By Hans Luhrs in publication)
- Soon -
Origin and HistoryPermalink
This plant was found by the famous botanist Alfred Lau.
The story of the discovery was published in IPSG, Newsletter N°3, May / June 1993 under the title : “ The discovery of a new Pinguicula from Ayautla, Oaxaca, Mexico”.
I can’t resist to give you an extract from Alfred Lau’s article which is so nicely written.
“Approaching the Mazateco Indian village of Ayautla, one of the most picturesque in the state of Oaxaca, I (A. Lau) noticed big blotches of yellow and asked the Indian boys who accompanied me for my binocular. There were the large Pinguicula again, on fully exposed rock in the heat of the tropical sun !
We climbed the steep hill until we reached the wall. Together with this fabulous Pinguicula we also admired marvellous specimens of Tillandsia streptophylla.”…“What was unexpected was that the semi-erect leaves catch insects on both upper and lower sides as the mucilage to which the insects stick covers the whole leaf.”
There are not many Pinguicula with glands on the two sides of the leaf : P. longifolia subsp. longifolia, and Pinguicula agnata CSUF which story is not known (see the specific page).
Location / MapPermalink
Near San Bartholomé Ayautla, in Oaxaca, Mexico.
According to A. Lau, in IPSG, Newsletter N°3, May / June 1993, “ The discovery of a new Pinguicula from Ayautla, Oaxaca, Mexico”, it is assumed the species grows on the south side of the steep walls from Rio Uruapan and its source until above Ayautla where the walls peter out.”
(click on the map for better location and relief map)
On steep slopes, with Tillandsia streptophylla and Agave attenuata according to the pictures below from IPSG, Newsletter N°3, May / June 1993. A. Lau wrote that the area of Cerro Rabon, have an annual rainfall of 3000 mm.
Introduction to HorticulturePermalink
In my collection, two clones come from Stan Lampard’s famous Pinguicula collection, one labelled P. gigantea “blue/lilac”, the other P. gigantea “white flower”. I have also a plant labelled Pinguicula subsp. Ayautla from Australia, and a strange closely related plant labelled Pinguicula subsp. ‘Synalta’ with unknown location and history (see the specific page). A Pinguicula subsp. Ayautla also exists in collections but it is from far closer to Pinguicula moranensis than P. gigantea (see the specific page)
Growth and PropagationPermalink
(North hemisphere, France near Paris, in a polycarbonate greenhouse - see the map
Life CyclePermalink
The life cycle observed in culture for this Pinguicula consists of two seasons, one wet and the other dry (see link). The reason for this cycle is that I give the same culture conditions to all the Pinguicula in my greenhouse. Wet in summer and dry in winter. But it seems that this Pinguicula could grow all the year round without a dry season. According to the altitude mentioned in the article of A. Lau (around 350m), this Pinguicula could encounter higher temperatures than other Pinguicula that grow higher. But I have no information.
The plant forms leaf rosette of different size but the carnivorous leaves are produced during all the year.
I use a 100 % mineral media : 2 perlite, 2 vermiculite, 1 small sand (for aquarium), 1 fine white sand, 1 pouzzolane (volcanic lava), 1 aqualit (expansed ceramic for aquarium). The aqualit can be replaced by 1 of pouzzolane. Plants in this media grow slower but have a stronger root system.
Plastic, colour terracotta, diameter 12.5cm, height 12cm.
I think that a slightly airy situation inside the greenhouse is important to avoid air stagnation. For this reason, I use a fan 24h/24h all the year round.
Watering is very important : from May to September (summer). I let the media drying slightly between two watering. I use rain water poured on the top of the pot taking care not to wet the rosette. From October to April, I let the media drying completely (no watering) but with an atmospheric humidity of about 80%.
The mentioned months are indicative and can change according to your own growing conditions. In fact, I give the same conditions to all Pinguicula in my greenhouse. Wet in summer and dry in winter. It seems that this Pinguicula could grow all the year round without dry season. As the temperature in my greenhouse can reach 4°C or less if the petroleum heater is empty (always during coldest nights !), I prefer to have a dry media.
During growth period, day temperatures are about 25°C but may reach 35°C when the sun is shining on the greenhouse in spite of the use of shading covers. Night temperatures are around 20°C. During resting period : day/night ~~~~ over freezing point. Lower temperature observed : - 4°C. I use an electronic petroleum heater to provide heat.
Flowering PeriodPermalink
Not yet observed
The plants can be propagated using carnivorous leaves separated from the rosette all the year round. You only have to very carefully tear out the totality of the leaf particularly with it’s white base (which is not easy) as the new plantlets will sprout from this area.
![]() Cerro Rabon, Oaxaca |
![]() Cerro Rabon, Oaxaca |
![]() The habitat of Pinguicula gigantea near Ayautla. Photo from IPSG, Newsletter N°3, May / June 1993. |
![]() Close-up of Pinguicula gigantea on steep slope near Ayautla. Photo from IPSG, Newsletter N°3, May / June 1993. |
![]() Pinguicula gigantea and some of the boys of A. Lau that succeeded in climbing to this high point and make these pictures possible. Photo from IPSG, Newsletter N°3, May / June 1993. |
You can discover the habitat of Pinguicula gigantea in
the postcard N°5 by Fernando Rivadavia. |
Pinguicula gigantea clones in culture in my greenhouse Photo : Eric Partrat - September 2002 - |
Young rosette of Pinguicula gigantea Photo : Stephane Joly - - |
![]() Mature rosette of Pinguicula gigantea in culture Photo : Stephane Joly - - |
![]() Close-up of a leave showing the densely glandular lower surface. Photo : Stephane Joly - - |
The cultivar of Pinguicula gigantea with white flowers. Photo : Vic Brown |
The cultivar of Pinguicula gigantea with white flowers. Photo : Vic Brown |
![]() Close up of the so close flower of Pinguicula subsp. "Synalta". A mislabelled Pinguicula gigantea from Ayautla... Photo : Patrice Charpentier |
![]() Close up of the so close flower of Pinguicula subsp. "Synalta". A mislabelled Pinguicula gigantea from Ayautla... Photo : Patrice Charpentier |
Tillandsia streptophylla This image in its original context, on the page : |
Tillandsia streptophylla This image in its original context, on the page : |
Agave attenuata This image in its original context, on the page : |
Agave attenuata with flower stalk This image in its original context, on the page : |