Pinguicula caryophyllacea
- Family: Lentibulariaceae
- Genus: Pinguicula
- Name: Pinguicula benedicta
- Sub-classification (Casper): link
- Publication: Barnh. in Britton in Mem. Bot. Cl. 16 (1920) 110
Description (In Casper)Permalink
Perennis. Rhizoma simplex breve radicibus adventitiis filiformibus longis numerosis. Folia numerosa radicalia dense rosulata subpetiolata integerrima ovalia vel obovato-subordiculata rotundata basin versus petioliformiter contracta margine vix involutasuperne glandulis sessilibus et glandulis stipitatis +/- dense basin versus utrinque nervi mediani pilis longis cylindricis vestita 10 - 15 (20) mm longa 5 - 8 mm lata viridia. Hibernacula nulla. Pedicelli (4) erecti filiformes apicem versus angustati glandulis stipitatis disperse obsiti (50) 70 - 110 (140) mm alti uniflori. Flores mediocres (12) 15 - 18 (20) mm longi (calcari incluso). Calyx bilabiatus extus glandulis stipitatis singularibus obtectus; labium superum usque ad 3/4 - 2/3 longitudinis trilobum lobis late ovalibus vel suborbiculatis vel subspathulatis acutiusculis vel rotundatis vel leviter emarginatis inter se tegentibus; labium inferum late ovale vel suborbiculatum leviter (+/-0.5mm) emarginatum. Corolla subbilabiata obscure caerulea extus glandulis stipitatis disperse obsita; labium superum bilobum lobis oblongis vel obovatis rotundatis vel truncatis +/- 5 mm longis +/- 3 mm latis; labium inferum supero multo maius trilobus lobis oblongis vel obovatis rotundatis vel truncatis +/- 7 mm longis +/- mm latis inter se tegentibus basi glandulis stipitatis disperse obsitis. Tubus cylindrico-infundibuliformis corollae lobis brevior 4 - 5 mm longus 2.5 - 4 mm latus sine palato intus pilosus pilis longis in lineis triabus retro conversis non capitatis. Calcar cylindricum obtusum corollae lobos subaequans 4 - 6 mm longum +/- 1 mm crassum cum tubo angulum subrectum +/- distincte formans. Stamina 1.5 - 2 mm longa. Ovarium subglobosum +/- 1 mm diametro glandulis stipitatis disperse obsitum. STigma bilabiatum; labium inferum suborbiculatum. Capsula ignota. Semina ignota.
Chromosomata ignota.
Floret IX - V (VI - VIII)
Origin and HistoryPermalink
The plant was discovered in 1910 by Shafer and described 10 years later by Barnh and originated from the region of Moa-Baracoa.
The region of Moa-Baracoa, is the most important area for the vegetal endemism in Cuba, and probably in all the Caribbean area, with 967 taxa endemic, of which 365 can be seen in that area.
It is impressive to note that, directly or indirectly, the greater floristics relations of all the regions of Eastern Cuba are in Moa-Baracoa.
These evidences demonstrate that the flora of this zone has played an important role in the formation of the other local floras of the Eastern of Cuba.
Location / MapPermalink
From Eastern Cuba :
- On trail, Camp la Barga to Camp San Benito (February 22 -26, 1910)
- Minas de Yberia, on Tacobay (Ekman)
- Region of Moa, Rio Yagrumaje (Clement)
(click on the map for better location and relief map)
Pinguicula benedicta is growing on the river’s steep and rocky banks of the fast running Rio Jaguani as stated in IPSG Vol. 10, 2000 by Paul Temple.
” … some 1 metre above the river and spreading over a band some 1 metre wide, a mass of P. benedicta plants could be found spreading for at least several hundred yards”.
“At first sight there would appear to be no threat to this type of location. However, the moutain air would present the greatest threat. The east of Cuba is an important mining area, particularly for Nickel but also for other minerals. The factories working with the raw ores produce thick smoke that pollutes the air causing acid rain. There was no evidence that this was causing a problem to Pinguicula benedicta but any damage to the surrounding forest could be disastrous. Direct mining seems unlikely to be an immediate risk as plenty of areas present easier targets than rivers and river banks, but should communism end or relax in Cuba, the consequential influx of US dollars and business could rapidly change this view. Similarly, the use of timber is not currently a direct threat but political changes could see this change too. Happily, the Cuban government is a good example of a government willing to apply pragmatic conservation plans to sensitive areas as evidenced by the large number and size of conservations areas in Cuba. “ Paul Temple in IPSG, Vol. 10, 2000.
Introduction to HorticulturePermalink
It seems that this species may be (or was) in culture in Europe. No more informations are known.
Growth and PropagationPermalink
P. benedicta is a plant of high altitude, requiring much humidity and damp soil according to the observation Paul Temple did during his discovery of P. benedicta along the Rio Jaguani.
A culture on wet peat moss should work.
Paul Temple added the following information (personal communication on 24th february) :
” I believe that P. benedicta may be very difficult to grow successfully. Not much is known about it. In the wild it grows on almost pure laterite soil (poisonous to most plants).” Paul Temple.
This rare component can be purchased in few aquariums center like here : LATERITE
Seedlings of Pinguicula benedicta in culture. Photo : Jan Flisek |
Pinguicula benedicta in culture. Stefan Ippenberger |
Pinguicula benedicta in culture. Stefan Ippenberger |
Close up of the flower of Pinguicula benedicta in culture. Stefan Ippenberger |
Soon : The pictures of Pinguicula benedicta in habitat in Cuba from Paul Temple... |