Sub-Classification of Pinguicula Species
This sub-classification of the genus Pinguicula is derivated from Casper’s monograph (1966), Schlauer (1986), Luhrs (1993), Gluch (1995, 1997) and the world carnivorous plant list maintained up-to-date by J.Schlauer on the carnivorous plant database web site at
Subgenera, sections, sub-sections and species have been organised in alphabetical order. Sub-species, forms and varieties have not been included. Species which are subject to debate have not been indicated either. As a complete taxonomic revision of the genus is beyong the scope of this web-site, readers are warmly refered to the litterature on the subject. (see link to recent list of new scientific literature on carnivorous plants (192-2002) by Dr Lubomir Adamec).
Laurent Legendre
Section CardiophyllumPermalink
Tropical-homophyllous growth type. Leaves crenated and heart-shaped at the tip. Two-lipped corolla with non-isolobe crenated lobes. Corolla tube cylindrical to funnel shaped. Attached to the spur without sharp transition. No pellate.
Section DiscoradixPermalink
Tropical-homophyllous growth type. Corolla isolobe with entire margins. Corolla tube cylindrical and funnel-shaped at the entrance. No pellate. Short spur, bag-shaped, bending from the end of the corolla tube. Advantitious roots with protective cap. Long and filiform seeds. Epiphytic from Cuba and Haiti.
Section HeterophyllumPermalink
Tropical-heterophyllous growth type. Isolobe corolla, rarely two-lipped with entire margins. Corolla tube cylindrical, rarely funnel-shaped. No pellate. Relatively long spur, not clearly bent and in some case in the same direction as the tube. Mexican plants.
Section isolobaPermalink
Tropical-homophylle. Corolla isolobe with pronounced crenations (rarely inexistant). Corolla tube cylindrical with highly developped pellate containing sticks. Spur short, curved since the end of the corolla tube.
Section HomophyllumPermalink
Tropical homophyllous growth type. Two-lipped corolla, lower lip barely longuer than upper one. Large, short and funnel-shaped tube. Very short spur.
Section NanaPermalink
Temperate homophyllous growth type. Leaves highly folded on themselves. Small two-lipped corolla. Violet with yellow specks. Large lobes. Funnel-shaped tube. Hairy calyx.
Section orcheosanthusPermalink
Tropical heterophyllous growth type. Two-lipped corolla. Lobes highly separated from each other (corolla nearly in 5 pieces). Fairly similar upper and lower petals, often forming a falt plane upon flower opening. Wide, short and funnel-shaped corolla tube. Very long spur (longuer than corolla tube).
Section PinguiculaPermalink
Temperate-homophyllous or temperate-heterophyllous growth type. Two-lipped corolla, lower lip larger than upper one. Corolla tube funnel-shaped, of variable length. Spurin the same direction as tube and of variable length.
Section AmpullipalatumPermalink
Tropical homophyllous or heterophyllous growth type. Two-lipped corolla with crenated lobes (rarely entire margins). Corolla tube conical leads to a bag-shaped short spur. Pellate present and clearly visible.
Section micranthusPermalink
Temperate homophyllous growth type. Two-lipped corolla. Central lower lobe crenated and larger than two lateral lower lobes. Conical tube that leads to a short, bag-shaped to conical or cylindrical spur. Pellate protruding outside the corolla.
Pinguicula alpina, one of the member of the Section Micranthus.
Section TemnocerasPermalink
Tropical-homophyllous growth type. Small, two-lipped corolla with crenated lobes. Lower lobe larger than upper one. Short corolla tube leading gradually to a long and cylindrical spur. Small or absent pellate.
Pinguicula immaculata, one of the member of the Section Temnoceras.
Sub-section AgnataPermalink
Corolla purely isolobe with cylindrical tp funnel-shaped tube.
Sub-section HomophylliformisPermalink
Corolla sub-isolobe, nearly two-lipped. Corolla tube funnel-shaped. Corolla hair lacking multicellular heads. Present in eastern Cuba.
Sub-section IsoloboptisPermalink
Corolla purely isolobe. Tube cylindrical. Spur shorter than the tube.
Sub-section OrcheosanthopsisPermalink
Corolla two-lipped. corolla tube cylindrical. Spur longer than the tube.
Sub-section AgnatiformisPermalink
Medium size corolla (10-18 mm long). Deeply or non-crenated lobes. Corolla tube cylindrical with pronouced pellate that does not extend beyond the corolla tube.
Sub-section PrimuliformisPermalink
Large corolla (15-35 mm long). Lobes very deeply crenated. Corolla tube cylindrical, funnel-shaped, with pronounced pellate that protrudes outside the corolla tube.
Sub-section PumiliformisPermalink
Short corolla (7-11 mm long). Crenated lobes. Cylindrical corolla with pronounced pellate that does not extend outside the tube.
Sub-section CaudatopsisPermalink
‘Winter’ leaves egg-shaped with pointed tips.
Summer’ leaves oblong, egg-shaped, spatulated or roundish more or less against the soil.
Sub-section OrchidopsisPermalink
‘Winter’ leaves oblong-spatulate, non-pointed at the tips. ‘Summer’ leaves non-pointed, non-bent and more or less against the soil.
Sub-section VioliformisPermalink
‘Winter’ leaves oblong-spatulate, non-pointed at the tips. ‘Summer’ leaves with pointed tips, bent edges, more or less errect.
Sub-section alpiniformisPermalink
tropical homophyllous growth type. Corolla clearly two-lipped, medium size with small crenated lobes. Tube conical.
Pinguicula antarctica, one of the member of the Subsection alpiniformis.
Sub-section heterophylliformisPermalink
Tropical heterophyllous growth type. Corolla large, slightly two-lipped with entire margins. Long conical tube. Andene genera.
Section AgnataPermalink
Tropical-homophyllous growth type. Isolobe corolla with non crenated lobes. Corolla tube long, cylindrical and in some cases slightly funnel-shaped. No pellate. Spur bent from the end of the tube, longuer than wide.
Sub-genus TemnocerasPermalink
Two-lipped corolla. Lower lip much larger. Lobes crenated in most cases, central lower lobe a lot longuer than the other ones. Yellow colours associated to the corolla. Tropical to temperate growth type. Corolla tube conical, not straight, without a pellate. Throat hairs arranged in 3 rows. Spur bag-shaped, blunt ended, often shorter than tube, making no remarkable angle with the tube but pursuing its curvature to end up returning towards the flower entrance.
Sub-genus PinguiculaPermalink
Corolla clearly two-lipped, lobes with entire edges. Except for P. villosa, no yellow is found in the corolla. Tropical or temperate growth type. Corolla tube funnel-shaped, of variable length, without pellate. Throat hairs not organised in 3 rows. Spur as long or longuer than the corolla tube. Stays in alignment with the tube even though straight ot curved. All plants in the northen hemisphere.
Sub-genus IsolobaPermalink
Corolla with 5 equal lobes (rarely two-lipped) that are more or less deeply devided. Corolla colours always contains some yellow. Lobes can be crenated or not. Tropical growth type. Corolla tube cylindrical, widening to become funnel-shaped, about as long as the lobes, with or without a pellate. Hairs in the throat are arranged in 3 rows. Spur clearly distinguishable from corolla tube, smaller than tube in most cases and to the best as long as tube, at a more or less pronounced angle from tube. Round to egg-shaped seed capsule that is smaller than calix.