“A world of Pinguicula” is proposed by:
Scientific staff
Re-reading staff
French version
(under process)
Worldwide travelers
(Pinguicula reporters)
Other contributors
We thank very much all the following persons for their help, support and contributions of pictures, information…
- Yoannis Dominguez Rodriguez (Brasil)
- Adam VELEBA (Czech Republic)
- An D. SMITH (Andy) (UK)
- Marc S (Switzerland)
- DC (Tasmania)
- Philippe COURTEL (France)
- Radek KASTNER (Czech Republic)
- Andreas FLEISCHMANN (Germany)
- Aymeric ROCCIA (France)
- Noah Elhardt (USA)
- Forbes Conrad (USA)
- Fernando RIVADAVIA (Brazil)
- Carlos Cuellar MARAVILLA (Mexico)
- Enrique DADA (Mexico)
- RNDr.Miloslav Studnička (Czech Republic)
- Dr. Heiko RISCHER (Finland)
- Stefan IPPENBERGER (Germany)
- Markus WELGE (Germany)
- Bjørn Norman JENSEN ( )
- Lionel DROMARD (France)
- Dr Fernando RIVADAVIA (Brazil)
- Ivan PENCAK (Cz)
- Ruben Resendiz And Marlene (Mexico)
- Jean-Remi FIERFORT (France)
- Serge LAVAYSSIERE (France)
- Dieter KADEREIT (Germany)
- Travis H. Wyman (USA)
- William Dawnstar (USA)
- Naoki TANABE (Japan)
- Oliver KOMAR (USA)
- Jan FLISEK (Cz)
- Sebastien MANTEAU (France)
- Andrew BROOME (New Zealand)
- Victor BROWN (UK)
- Serge LAVAYSSIERE (France)
- Patrice CHARPENTIER (France)
- Fabien ZUNINO (France)
- Thomas CIESLAK (France)
- Eric PARTRAT (France)
- Jean-Jacques LABAT (France)
- Vincent ROUSSALY (France)
- Dr. Laurent LEGENDRE (France)
- Jean-François FOUGERE (France)
- Barry A. RICE (USA)
- Serge MALLET (France)
- Stephane JOLY (France)
- Oliver GLUCH (Germany)
- Edward L. READ (USA)
- Dr. Alfred LAU (Mexico)
I would like to say my admiration for the Botanists involved in the knowledge of genus Pinguicula that make this site possible with their work : L. Legendre, S. Zamudio, J. Steiger, S.J. Casper, A. Lau, H. Luhrs, Dr Kondo, Jan Schlauer, Jay Vannini, F. Rivadavia and many other no less famous.
Thanks you very much. Please go on amazing us!
Dr Legendre was conferred a PhD in Plant Biochemistry in 1993 for his pioneering works on the plant oxidative burst, plant secondary metabolites and plant si...
Since 1998 to 2003, I was editing fourly per year the “supplement”, a specific publication of the french carnivorous plant society (DIONEE). I am now in char...