The Herbario Nacional is a consultation center for studies of the Mexican flora. Its national and international importance is reflected in the high number of botanists that consult the collection, and it also maintains strong interactions with 180 national and foreign institutions. The specimens maintained at the herbarium are the result of donations, exchanges and collecting efforts by the staff.

Leo Song inspecting herbarium specimens in MEXU.

Ed Read by stack of over 50 Pinguicula herbarium vouchers.

Photo : Ed Read

Affiliation: Instituto de Biologia, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)

Main Field of Focus: Collection of Mexican flora

Pinguicula utricularioides in the Mexu herbarium

Photo : Ed Read

Adress :

Herbario Nacional
Instituto de Biología, U.N.A.M.
Circuito Exterior s/n, Ciudad Universitaria
Copilco, Coyoacán A.P. 70-367
México, Distrito Federal. C.P. 04510

**Contact Person: ** Sousa Sánchez, Mario

Telephone: +52 01-562-29113 ext. 47786

Fax:+52 01-5550-1760

E-mail :

Home page :

(Source :

This is a needed step for increasing your knowledge on Mexican Pinguicula and gives an idea of the huge work of the Taxonomist studing this incredible flora like Dr Sergio Zamudio Ruiz with herbarium specimens.

Fernando Rivadavia and Ed Read went there also :

After a weekend of plant hunting I spent two days shut inside the walls of the MEXU herbarium. I photographed every Pinguicula herbarium in the section for Mexico. This was not easy, I was on my feet for many hours without pausing. I was determined to finish and finally before the herbarium closed I did. The Director introduced me to Sr. Adolfo V., the caretaker of the national butterfly collection. We went to his home where he has a wonderful collection of Pinguicula. There I saw several ‘soon to be described’ species and one I’ve been dying to see for a long time, P. calderonae.

The Mexu Herbarium in Mexico.

Photo : Ed Read.

The Mexu Herbarium in Mexico. Here is the herbariums opened in the Pinguicula section.

Photo : Ed Read.

The Mexu Herbarium in Mexico.This picture gives an idea of the richness of the Mexu Herbarium.

Photo : Ed Read.

Sr. Adolfo V., the caretaker of the national butterfly collection in his greenhouse with many known and "soon to be published" Pinguicula.

Photo : Ed Read.
