
  • Family: Lentibulariaceae
  • Genus: Pinguicula
  • Name: Pinguicula vallisneriifolia
  • Sub-classification (Casper): link
  • Publication: Webb in Otia Hispan. (1853) 48

Description (In Casper)Permalink

Perennis stolonifera. Rhizoma simplex breve radicibus adventitiis numerosis filiformibus. Folia radicalia rosulata integerrima biformia; inferiora 5 - 8 sessilia elliptico-ovato-oblonga obtusa vel rotundata margine non involuta (25) 30 - 40 (55) mm longa (12) 15 - 20 (25) mm lata glandulis sessilibus dense et glandulis stipitatis disperse vestita; superiora 6 - 15 erecta solum non adpressum longissima taeniiformia basin versus angustata subpetiolata acutiuscula margine +/- undulata superne glandulis sessilibus dense et glandulis stipitatis modice dense vestita (40) 100 - 200 (260) mm longa (3) 8 - 20 (28) mm lata laeta-viridia. Hibernacula. Pedicelli 1 - 8 erecti filiformes glandulis stipitatis modice denseobsiti folia elongata vix superantes (50) 100 - 150 (175) mm alti uniflori. Flores maximi (20) 25 - 35 (40) mm longi (calcari incluso). Calyx bilabiatus extus glandulis stipitatis modice dense obsitus laete viridis; labium superum profunde trilobum lobis ovato-oblongis vel ovatis basin versus angustatis apice obtusis duplo vel triplo longioribus quam latis; labium inferum usque ad 1/2 longitudinis bilobum lobis obovatis. Corolla bilabiata violacea cum macula albida extus glandulis stipitatis singularibus vestita labiis subaequalibus; labium superum bilobum lobis ovato-oblongis obtusis; labium inferum trilobum lobis longioribus quam latis obovato-oblongis inter se tegentibus. Tubus infundibuliformis brevessimus +/- 5 mm longus intus pilosus pilis longis cylindricis. Calcar cylindrico-subulatum rectum vel subincurvum (8) 10 - 14 (20) mm longum tubum limumque corollae subaequans. Stamina +/- 2 mm longa. Ovarium ovoidum glandulis stipitatis dense obsitum. Stigma bilabiatum labio infero maximo flabelliformi. Capsula ovoida calycem vix superans. Semina scobiformia numerosa alveolata.

Chromosata ignota

Origin and HistoryPermalink

  • soon -

A population of Pinguicula vallisneriifolia, far from the Sierra area was found in the “Hoz de Beteta” location near Madrid and mentioned in Casper. It was later published under the name Pinguicula dertosensis (- more soon -).

Location / MapPermalink

From Spain, Prov. de Jaen. This is a natural Parc made of many Sierra. The most important is the Sierra de Segura. The Sierra de Cazorla or de Las Villas are smaller.

Jurg Steiger told me that he found 74 populations of Pinguicula vallisneriifolia in the Sierra area, all with little differences.

(click on the map for better location and relief map)


Grows on vertical limestone rock walls, below overhanging rock parts in niches protected from direct rainfall. The plants in some locations grow near falls and are in very wet area.

Introduction to HorticulturePermalink

I grow differents clones from seeds and from carnivorous plants nurseries :

  • Sierra de Segura, Cerrada de Elias, Rio Borosa. At this site the flowers are almost white and the corolla lobes are less overlapping than in the Cazorla site.
  • Sierra de Las Villas. This is the northern site of this species.
  • La Iruela, Sierra de Cazorla. This is the most vividly coloured of the locations of this species. The wide corolla lobes are overlapping.

Growth and PropagationPermalink

North hemisphere, France near Paris, in a garden - see the map

Life CyclePermalink

In spring, the cycle begins by the opening of the winter buds and the production of the first carnivorous leaves. The first leaves are followed by the flowers in summer and the stolons. After flowering Pinguicula vallisneriifolia forms the long-leaved summer rosette. Pinguicula vallisneriifolia has also digestive glands on the underside of the leaves as for P. longifolia subsp. longifolia. New carnivorous leaves are produced during all the season. Near autumn, or earlier, if your conditions are not optimal, the next hibernacula is revealed in the centre of the rosette. Then leaf production stops and the old leaves decay slowly. The plant (reduced now to a small hibernacula) is ready for winter and for the next cycle.


I use a 100 % mineral media : 2 perlite, 2 vermiculite, 1 small sand (for aquarium), 1 fine white sand, 1 pouzzolane (volcanic lava), 2 marly calcareous detritus.


Plastic, colour terracotta, diameter 12.5cm, height 12cm.


The long term cultivation of temperate Pinguicula is difficult : If the summer growing conditions are not optimal, the plants will form very weak hibernacula which easily rot.

Optimal summer growing conditions are: good air humidity, cool temperature and UV lights.


By seeds or using the gemmae produced around winter hibernacula. You can also leave the plant producing its runners naturally.


Serge Lavayssiere went in the Sierra area in august 1994. The plants had finished flowering but the long leaves were present. We went all three, Jean-Rémi Fierfor, Serge Lavayssiere and Eric Partrat in April 2003 but it was too early to have the flowers unfortunately. The flowering is in late may of June in our opinion. We will show you below the two periods.


Sierra de Cazorla : la IruelaPermalink

According to many people, Pinguicula vallisneriifolia from “La Iruela”, in the Sierra de Cazorla is the most vividly coloured of the locations of this species. This is on limestone at altitude of 1200m.

The site of Pinguicula vallisneriifolia is the vertical cliff on your left.

Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -

Close-up of the previous picture.

Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -

"Botánicos trabajando" in the Sierra de Cazorla location. 

Photo : Serge Lavayssiere

- April 2003 -

We noted many plants felt at the bottom of the cliff that will died as soon as the grasses will be taller. This may be a natural way of managing new places on this cliff for youngest Pinguicula vallsineriifolia.

Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -

Pinguicula vallisneriifolia is everywhere. 

Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -

Pinguicula vallisneriifolia is everywhere. 

Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -

Pinguicula vallisneriifolia will flower in few weeks. Unfortunately, we were too early in the season to see it. 

Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -


Above the previous location, you access to this impressive circus with a fall of 70 meters. 

Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -

This place can be seen from the road and we decided to climb to see if P. vallisneriifolia could be there also. 

Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -

Left view of the previous picture, showing that we climbed up there !

Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -

P. vallisneriifolia can be found on the top of the fall, in very wet conditions.

Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -

P. vallisneriifolia is also at the right of the fall. 

Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -

And on the left of the fall, there are also P. vallisneriifolia

Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -

Here is a view of all the location with P. vallisneriifolia in very wet (and cool) conditions. 

Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -


Sierra de Segura: Cerrada de Elias, Rio BorosaPermalink

“At this site the flowers are almost white and the corolla lobes are less overlapping than in the Cazorla site” (Jurg Steiger in ICPS database, April 16, 1973). This is also on limestone, in a gorge, at altitude of 900m.

The location of Cerrada de Elias along the Rio Borosa. 

Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -

The location of Cerrada de Elias along the Rio Borosa. 

Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -

The location of Cerrada de Elias along the Rio Borosa. 

Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -

Cerrada de Elias is a gorge with vertical cliffs on the two sides. The plants are the bright green spots on the right. 

Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -

Close up of the previews picture. It is easier to see the plants. 

Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -

Pinguicula vallisneriifolia growing directly in the calcareous rock. Note the black leaves overhanging from the green plants : these are giving an idea of the long leaves of last year. 

Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -

Pinguicula vallisneriifolia growing directly in the calcareous rock. Note the black leaves overhanging from the green plants : these are giving an idea of the long leaves of last year.  This species is abundant in this location.  

Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -

Cluster of winter hibernacula of Pinguicula vallisneriifolia. As you can see, some plants were still dormant in april 2003.

Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -

Cluster of winter hibernacula of Pinguicula vallisneriifolia beginning to open. 

Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -

Cluster of winter hibernacula of Pinguicula vallisneriifolia beginning to open. 

Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -

Cluster of young spring leaves of Pinguicula vallisneriifolia. In few weeks, these leaves will be replaced by its caracteristic long summer leaves. 

Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -

Cluster of young spring leaves of Pinguicula vallisneriifolia. In few weeks, these leaves will be replaced by its caracteristic long summer leaves. 

Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -

Cluster of young spring leaves of Pinguicula vallisneriifolia. In few weeks, these leaves will be replaced by its caracteristic long summer leaves. 

Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -

Cluster of young spring leaves of Pinguicula vallisneriifolia. In few weeks, these leaves will be replaced by its caracteristic long summer leaves. 

Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -

One of the few flower bulb in this location. April is too early to see Pinguicula vallisneriifolia in full bloom (unfortunately for us!).

Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -


The location of Cerrada de Elias along the Rio Borosa. 

Photo : Serge Lavayssiere

- August 1994 -

A cluster of Pinguicula vallisneriifolia

Photo : Serge Lavayssiere

- August 1994 -

A cluster of Pinguicula vallisneriifolia overhanging in the gorge. 

Photo : Serge Lavayssiere

- August 1994 -

The long leaves of Pinguicula vallisneriifolia

Photo : Serge Lavayssiere

- August 1994 -

Pinguicula vallisneriifolia grows directly in the rock. 

Photo : Serge Lavayssiere

- August 1994 -

A close-up of a Pinguicula vallisneriifolia leaf. There are glands on both sides !

Photo : Serge Lavayssiere

- August 1994 -

Sierra de Las VillasPermalink

Serge Lavayssiere found only two flowers in this location as it was late august 1994 and then too late for the flowering time. Both flowers were white with yellow heart. We all thought for many years (10) that this location had only white flowers but the flowers bulbs we saw there in April 2003 were “unfortunately” colored.

Very pale to white Pinguicula vallisneriifolia flowers in the Sierra de Las Villas. 

Photo : Serge Lavayssiere

- August 1994 -

Very pale to white Pinguicula vallisneriifolia flowers in the Sierra de Las Villas. 

Photo : Serge Lavayssiere

- August 1994 -

The site of Pinguicula vallisneriifolia in the Sierra de Las Villas : a vertical cliff on your right.

Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -

This location of Pinguicula vallisneriifolia is drier than all the other one depicted. No water is dripping on the cliff.

Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -

Frontal view of the site.  

Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -

Pinguicula vallisneriifolia are the bright green spots. 

Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -

Cluster of Pinguicula vallisneriifolia. In few weeks, these leaves will be replaced by its caracteristic long summer leaves. 

Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -

Impressive cluster of young spring leaves of Pinguicula vallisneriifolia. The runners will soon be released. 

Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -

On the river side near the previous site, there are also Pinguicula vallisneriifolia

Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -

This location of Pinguicula vallisneriifolia is wetter tahn the upper one near the road. 

Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -

It is impressive to note that this so many plants can grow so close. 

Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -

Cluster of young spring leaves of Pinguicula vallisneriifolia. In few weeks, these leaves will be replaced by its caracteristic long summer leaves. 

Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -
