Pinguicula mundii

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Family : Lentibulariaceae

Genus : Pinguicula

Name : Pinguicula mundii

Sub-classification (Casper) : link

Publication : By Blanca, Jamilena, Ruiz-Rejon & Zamora, in Pl.Syst.Evol.200:58 (1996)

DESCRIPTION :  (In publication)


Hierba perenne, con aparato radical exiguo, que hiberna bajo la forma de yema, con estolones. Hojas 6 - 12 (15), suberectas o erectas, sésiles, de margenes ligeramente revolutos y débilmente undulatos, con el nervio central muy prominente por el envés; hojas de primavera - en la antesis - 3 - 6 x 1.5 - 2.5 cm, elipticas u oblongo-obovadas; hojas de verano - en la fructificacion - 6 - 15, mas largas, 6 - 11 x 1.5 - 3 cm, elipticas u obovadas, obtusas. Escapos 1 - 10, 5 - 12 cm, glandulosos. Caliz glanduloso; lobulos del labio superior 2.5 - 3.5 mm, triangular-obtusos o casi elipticos, obtusos o subagudos; labio inferior hendido hasta 1/2 de su longitud. Corolla (12) 14 - 21 (23) mm, de color violeta, a veces con venas poco marcadas en el tubo; labio superior mas obscuro, con lobulos suborbiculares u obovados, obtusos; labio inferior mas largo, con lobulos de 6 - 12 mm, mas largos que anchos, obovados, que se recubren lateralmente, obtusos, coloreados solo cerca del apice; garganta de color violeta obscuro, excepto en la base del lobulo medio del labio inferior; tubo corto, anchamente infundibuliforme, esparcidamente glanduloso por el exterior; espolon (8) 9 - 14 (15) mm, cilindrico-subulado, recto, a veces ligeramente bifido en su extremidad. Capsula 3 - 5 mm, ovoide o subglobosa; semillas 0.8 - 1 mm, estrechamente elipsoidales, reticuladas. 


Chromosomata : 2n=48


Translation :


- soon - 



"This 'species' is something in between P. longifolia and P. vallisneriifolia. Geographically and climatically the evolution of sort of a transition stage between both species could be plausible. The leaves are more longifolia-like whereas the corolla, particularly the calyx and spur, tend more towards P. vallisneriifolia." Jurg Steiger in ICPS database.

Localisation / Map: 

From Spain, Prov. de Albacete, between Alcaraz and Orcera, Nascimiente del Rio Mundo/Cueva de los Chorros.



(click on the map for better location and relief map)


On limestone, with an altitude of 950-1100 m. The plants can be found on wet mosses and on dripping limestone.

Introduction in culture :

From seeds. This species can be found worldwide in carnivorous plants nurseries.


(North hemisphere, France near Paris, in a garden - see the map -)    


Life cycle :   In spring, the cycle begins by the opening of the winter buds and the production of the first carnivorous leaves. The first leaves are followed by the flowers in summer. New carnivorous leaves are produced during all the season. The longest leaves occured after the flowering. Near autumn, or earlier, if your conditions are not optimal, the next hibernacula is revealed in the centre of the rosette. Then leaf production stops and the old leaves decay slowly. The plant (reduced now to a small hibernacula) is ready for winter and for the next cycle. 


Media : I use a 100 % mineral media : 2 perlite, 2 vermiculite, 1 small sand (for aquarium), 1 fine white sand, 1 pouzzolane (volcanic lava), 2 marly calcareous detritus. 

Pot : plastic, colour terracotta, diameter 12.5cm, height 12cm.

Cultivation :  The long term cultivation of temperate Pinguicula is difficult : If the summer growing conditions are not optimal, the plants will form very weak hibernacula which easily rot. 

Optimal summer growing conditions are : good air humidity, cool temperature and UV lights.


Multiplication : By seeds or using the gemmae produced around winter hibernacula. 

PICTURES: (click to enlarge)



The circus where the rio mundo exit the mountain. 


It is the "Nascimiente del Rio Mundo/Cueva de los Chorros".


Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -


Impressive fall of the Rio Mundo.


Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -


What you can see down with the fall in your back. 


Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -

The area has fog very often in the morning and the area around the plants is cool and wet. Here a nice picture took with the circus in the back.


Photo : Jean-Remi Fierfort

- April 2003 -

Pinguicula mundii can be found nearly everywhere around the falls.


Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -


The area is really cool even when the sun is shinning.


Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -


The area is really cool even when the sun is shinning.


Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -

Pinguicula mundii can be found on the left of the fall. Many plants are difficult to reach.


Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -


Here are Pinguicula mundii with the first spring leaves. We were there in april. 


Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -


"The leaves are more longifolia-like". Jurg Steiger in ICPS database.



Photo : Serge Lavayssiere

- August 1995 -

Here the way to climb up the falls.


Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -

All along this trail, Pinguicula mundii grow, this time among the grasses.


Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -

Pinguicula mundii with appearing flowers. We were too early in the season to see full bloom.


Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -


Pinguicula mundii 


Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -

Pinguicula mundii growing on calcareous cliff.


Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -

Pinguicula mundii really invade all the available place on the cliff. 


Photo : Eric Partrat

- April 2003 -


When in flower, few weeks after our coming, the leaves are very long also!


Photo : Serge Lavayssiere

- August 1995 -

"whereas the corolla, particularly the calyx and spur, tend more towards P. vallisneriifolia." Jurg Steiger in ICPS database.


Photo : Serge Lavayssiere

- August 1995 -

The flowers of Pinguicula mundii.  


Photo : Serge Lavayssiere

- August 1995 -

The long leaves are very effective to catch many flies.  


Photo : Serge Lavayssiere

- August 1995 -


Carnivorous plants ! 


Photo : Serge Lavayssiere

- August 1995 -



- more pictures of the flowers soon -