Pinguicula macrophylla
- Family: Lentibulariaceae
- Genus: Pinguicula
- Name: Pinguicula macrophylla
- Sub-classification (Casper): link
- Publication: H.B.K., in Nov. gen. spec. 2, 1817, page 184.
Perennis, Rhizoma simplex breve radicibus adventitiis filiformibus numerosis. Folia radicalia rosulata integerrima biformia; inferiora (rosula “hiemis” ut dicitur) numerosa squamosa circuitu late ovata +/- longe acuminata vel ovato-lanceolata acuminata 8 - 16 mm longa 3 - 5 mm lata; superiora (rosula “aestatis” ut dicitur) pauca (3 - 6) longe (30 - 60 mm) petiolata petiolo non ciliato lamina circuitu ovato-suborbiculata vel elliptica obtusa vel rotundata margine vix involuta superne glandulis sessilibus et glandulis stipitatis et utrimque nervi mediani pilis longis vestita 35 - 90 mm longa 25 - 70 mm lata. Hibernacula nulla. Pedicelli 1 - 3 (5) erecti glandulis stipitatis disperse obtecti (110) 160 - 200 (230) mm alti uniflori. Flores maximi 35 - 55 mm longi (calcari inclusi). Calyx bilabiatus extus glandulis stipitatis disperse obsitus; labium superum usque ad basin fere trilobum lobis lineari-oblongis acutiusculis; labium inferum usque ad 2/3 longitudinis bilobum lobis lineari-oblongis acutiusculis +/- divergentibus. Corolla ringens profunde bilabiata violaceo-purpurea; labium superum bilobum lobis oblongis rotundatis; labium inferum trilobum lobis oblongo-obovatis apicem versus gradatim dilatatis rotundatis 18 - 24 mm longis 9 - 12 mm latis inter se non tegentibus. Tubus infundibuliformis brevissimus sine palato albido-pilosus pilis cylindricis. Calcar cylindricum incurvatum tenue 23 - 28 mm longum tubum limbumque corollae superans. Pollen (4) 5 - 6 (7) colporatum. Ovarium subglobosum glandulis stipitatis nonnullis obsitum. Capsula et Semina ignota.
Chromosomata ignota
Origin and HistoryPermalink
No data.
Location / Map (clic on the map for better localisation detail)Permalink
Pinguicula macrophylla can be found in different localities in Mexico : Between Guanajuato and Santa Rosa near San Luis Potosi, in Pico El Agujon, in Puerto de la Huerta and according to the original publication, in the state of Hidalgo near Real Del Monte.
Nevertheless two well known botanists S. Zamudio and H. Luhrs think that the plants in Real del Monte in Hidalgo are in fact Pinguicula acuminata not Pinguicula macrophylla. If you want more information, you should read the page on Pinguicula acuminata.
Pinguicula macrophylla grows in highlands (tree zone with Quercus rugulosa and Quercus Hartwegii in majority) with Agave celsii, Pilea serpyllifolia and sedum sp. in the most humid areas.
Temperature and PrecipitationPermalink
Click on the graph to enlarge and see graph of normal precipitation and normal average temperature. Normal values are 30-year averages for the period 1961 to 1990. The weather stations are grouped by region (see map of weather stations).
Introduction to HorticulturePermalink
I have no data for the first introduction in culture of Pinguicula macrophylla. I got mine from J.J. LABAT collection (manager of the famous French Nursery “Nature et Paysage”).
Growth and PropagationPermalink
(North hemisphere, France near Paris, in a polycarbonate greenhouse - see the map
Life CyclePermalink
The life cycle observed in culture for this Pinguicula consists of two seasons, one wet and the other dry (see link). The plant forms different leaf rosettes according to the season. During the resting months (winter) the small succulent rosette is composed of numerous non-carnivorous hairy leaves buried under the soil surface. The carnivorous leaves are produced in spring and during all summer. The flowers are only produced from the summer rosette. The life cycle of the plant is probably similar in it’s native habitat.
I use a 100 % mineral media : 2 perlite, 2 vermiculite, 1 small sand (for aquarium), 1 fine white sand, 1 pouzzolane (volcanic lava), 1 aqualit (expansed ceramic for aquarium). The aqualit can be replaced by 1 of pouzzolane. Plants in this media grow slower but have a stronger root system.
Plastic, colour terracotta, diameter 20cm, height 12cm.
I think that a slightly airy situation inside the greenhouse is important to avoid air stagnation. For this reason, I use a fan 24h/24h all the year round.
Watering is very important : from May to September (summer). I let the media drying slightly between two watering. I use rain water poured on the top of the pot taking care not to wet the rosette. From October to April, It is important to let the media drying completely (no watering) but with an atmospheric humidity of about 80%.
The mentioned months are indicative and can change according to your own growing conditions. In fact, when this Pinguicula begins to produce its non-carnivorous leaves, you have to stop watering and let the pot drying out completely. Inversely, when the plant begins to produce in early spring its carnivorous leaves, you have to progressively start watering again the pot.
During growth period, day temperatures are about 25°C but can reach 35°C when the sun is shining on the greenhouse in spite of the use of shading covers. Night temperatures are around 20°C. During resting period: day/night ~~~~ over freezing point. Lower temperature observed : - 4°C. I use an electronic petroleum heater to provide heat.
Flowering PeriodPermalink
only from the summer rosette
I have never succeeded in pollinating the flowers of this Pinguicula. Maybe you have to use two different clones. So I don’t know the seeds. The plants can be propagated easily using non-carnivorous leaves separated from the rosette at the end of winter. You only have to carefully tear out all the leaf particularly with the white base. This mean that you will have to carefully excavate the winter bulb. The new plantlets will sprout from this area. Don’t try with the summer leaves, it is harder.
Pinguicula macrophylla (or P. acuminata) in habitat in mosses.
Photo : Mark E. Olson
© 1995-2002 Missouri Botanical Garden**
Pinguicula macrophylla, summer rosette. Photo: Eric Partrat
- April 1997 - Pictures of Pinguicula macrophylla in wild can be seen on the Postcard of Fernando : Link
Pinguicula macrophylla in culture flowering only from summer rosette. Photo: Eric Partrat
- April 1997 -
Close-up of the flower, note the highly rounded corolla lobes. Photo: Eric Partrat
- May 1997 -
Pinguicula macrophylla, this is the stage just before winter, the leaves are becoming smaller and smaller.
Photo: Eric Partrat
- September 1997 -
Pinguicula macrophylla in culture. The winter rosette is buried under the pot surface.
Photo: Eric Partrat
- March 1997 -
Other winter bulb of Pinguicula macrophylla in culture. Photo : Patrice Charpentier
Sedum sp. and mosses This image in its original context, on the page : mexico.htm
Pilea serpyllifolia This image in its original context, on the page : me.htm
Agave celsii, a very green, colony forming Agave from high altitude cloud forest in Mexico. This image in its original context, on the page : plants.html-PARAM=a