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  • Family: Lentibulariaceae
  • Genus: Pinguicula
  • Name: Pinguicula agnata
  • Sub-classification (Casper): link
  • Publication: Casper, in Feddes Repertorium Specierum Novarum Regni Vegetabilis 67(1-3): 14. 1963.


Perennis. Rhizoma simplex breve radicibus filiformibus adventitiis numerosis. Folia 5() 8 - 12 radicalia rosulata integerrima spathulata vel obovato-oblonga margine vix involuta superne glanduloso-viscosa glandulis sessilibus dense et glandulis stipitatis modice dense vestita (25) 35 - 55 (70) mm longo (7) 10 - 15 (20) mm lata laete viridia. Hibernacula nulla. Pedicelli 1 - 3 erecti glandulis stipitatis +/- dense obsiti 50 - 120 mm alti uniflori. Flores sat magni 18 - 22 mm longi (calcari inclusi). Calyx bilabiatus laete viridis extus et intus glandulis stipitatis dense obsitus; labium superum usque ad dimidium trilobum lobis late ovatis acutis; labium inferum usque 1/2 - 3/4 longitudinis bilobum lobis obovato-oblongis longioribus quam latis basin versus subcuneatis apice rotundatis cel truncatis. Tubus cylindricus basin versus angustatus +/- 8 - 10 mm longus +/- 3 - 5 mm latus intus pilosus pilis longis clavatis non capitatis et pilis longis clavate capitalis in lineis triabus ordinatis sine palato. Calcar subcylindricum obtusum (2) 3 - 4 (5) mm longum cum tubo angulum obtusum formans. Stamina +/- 1.5 mm longa; pollen (3) 4 - 5 colporatum. Ovarium subglobosum glandulis stipitatis dense obsitum Stigma bilabiatum labio infero flabelliformi fimbriato. Capsula subglobosa +/- 4 mm diam. calycem non superans. Semina scobiformia cylindrica alveolata.

Chromosomata ignota.

Origin and HistoryPermalink

There are several forms of this Pinguicula in cultivation; the plants differ by the shape and coloration of the leaves and also by the shape and colour of the corolla lobes.

  • Pinguicula agnata ‘type’: The holotype is found in Hidalgo, district Zimapan, on the lower portion of a nearly sheer calcareous north facing cliff on the dry rocky slopes of Barranca de Toliman somewhere above the mines along the road from Zimapan to Mina Loma del Toro and Balcones, altitude : 1524 m.
  • Pinguicula agnata ‘CSUF’ –: This plant has been collected in Mexico by two US local nurserymen in the 70’s (Bob Cook and Bill Cole, owners of ‘The Plant Shop’). They gave plants to Leo Song at California State University of Fullerton (CSUF). The collectors have since died and nobody knows where exactly they collected this clone. This plant is labelled Pinguicula agnata, because it is very close to this species. It has fragrant flowers and has been used in all the Pinguicula agnata hybrids from CSUF. This is the first Mexican ** Pinguicula known to have glands on both the top and the bottom of the leaves, even if Pinguicula gigantea is now the best known for this.
  • Pinguicula agnata ‘El Lobo’: The edge of the leaf is red/purple, the flower is pure white. You must multiplicate this cultivar by cuttings only, elsewhere the plants grown by seeds will be lightly tinged with purple (seeds from the catalogue of Allan Lowrie for exemple).
  • Pinguicula agnata ‘El Chico’:

The following plants look close to Pinguicula agnata complex, some are now officially named species :

  • One from Oaxaca : Pinguicula ‘Ayautla’ = Pinguicula gigantea
  • One from Tamaulipas : Pinguicula from ‘Sierra de Tamaulipas’ = Pinguicula pilosa (not yet published up to now)
  • You can find also : Pinguicula *agnata var. tamaulipas (in the catalogue of the nursery in 2002).
    • The plant comes from Mr Fuchs (Botanical Garden of Linz, Austria). These plants were found by Alfred Lau. The plants have darker flowers than usual. The plants are labelled as P. agnata v. tamaulipes “Eastern from Cindet Victoria” but it is very bad handwritten. It is likely that the good writting is Cuidad Victoria, The capital of the state of Tamaulipas. (See the map for location). There are no P. agnata population in Tamaulipas and the plants sold are not P. pilosa or P. ibbarae.
  • Pinguicula agnata ‘scented flower’, is it close to Pinguicula agnata ‘CSUF’ ?. If you grow this plant, please check for the presence or absence of glands on the bottom of the leaves and send me the answer as soon as possible.

Many other forms are mentioned on the net :

  • Short rounded leaf
  • Long wedge shaped leaf
  • Prostrate round leaf
  • Blue flower
  • Hairy
  • Red leaves
  • Pale flower
  • “Romol”

Location / MapPermalink

Holotype : Mexico, state of Hidalgo, district Zimapan, lower portion of nearly sheer calcareous north facing cliff on the dry rocky slopes of Barranca de Toliman somewhere above the mines along the road from Zimapan to Mina Loma del Toro and Balcones, altitude : 1524 m.

Other specimen seen :

For the others named locations :

  • ‘El Chico’ : No data

‘El Lobo’ : This clone comes from a population of P. agnata between two villages in Queretaro state : La Vuelta and El Lobo, hence the name. P. moranensis was also collected during this same trip, close to P. agnata ‘El Lobo’. We can found it in our culture under the name P. mornanensis ‘La Vuelta’ . (Pers. communication with Oliver Gluch, april 2006).

  • ‘CSUF’ (California State Univ. Fullerton) : No data
  • Others forms : no data


For the holotype : as stated before, on the lower portion of nearly sheer calcareous north facing cliff on dry rocky slopes and at an altitude of 1524 m.

For the others named locations (El Chico, CSUF…) : no data.

Introduction to HorticulturePermalink

There are several forms of this Pinguicula in cultivation : the plants show some differences in forms and coloration of the leaves and also differences in form and colour of the corolla lobes.

  • ‘El Lobo’ : During Hans Luhrs and Stan. Lampard’s Mexican trip.
  • ‘El Chico’ : no data.
  • ‘CSUF’ : From Edward L. Read and Leo Song.

Growth and PropagationPermalink

(North hemisphere, France near Paris, in a polycarbonate greenhouse - see the map

Life CyclePermalink

The life cycle observed in culture for this Pinguicula consists of two seasons, one wet and the other dry (see link). The plant forms different leaf rosettes according to the season. During the resting months (winter) the small succulent rosette is composed of numerous smaller non-carnivorous hairy leaves. The carnivorous leaves are produced in spring and during all summer. Casper thought that the plant was homophyllous (one kind of leaves all the year), Oliver Gluch, was the first to write that Pinguicula agnata is clearly heterophyllous (different leaves in winter and summer).


I use a 100 % mineral media : 2 perlite, 2 vermiculite, 1 small sand (for aquarium), 1 fine white sand, 1 pouzzolane (volcanic lava), 1 aqualit (expansed ceramic for aquarium). The aqualit can be replaced by 1 of pouzzolane. Plants in this media grow slower but have a stronger root system.


Plastic, colour terracotta, diameter 12.5cm, height 12cm.


I think that a slightly airy situation inside the greenhouse is important to avoid air stagnation. For this reason, I use a fan 24h/24h all the year round.

Watering is very important : from May to September (summer). I let the media drying slightly between two watering. I use rain water poured on the top of the pot taking care not to wet the rosette. From October to April, It is important to let the media drying completely (no watering) but with an atmospheric humidity of about 80%. The mentioned months are indicative and can change according to your own growing conditions. In fact, when this Pinguicula begins to produce its non-carnivorous leaves, you have to stop watering and let the pot drying out completely. Inversely, when the plant begins to produce in early spring its carnivorous leaves, you have to progressively start watering again the pot.


During growth period, day temperatures are about 25°C but can reach 35°C when the sun is shining on the greenhouse in spite of the use of shading covers. Night temperatures are around 20°C. During resting period: day/night ~~~~ over freezing point. Lower temperature observed : - 4°C. I use an electronic petroleum heater to provide heat.


I only succeeded in pollinating the flowers of Pinguicula agnata ‘El Lobo’. Maybe you have to use two different clones. All the Pinguicula agnata and forms can be propagated easily using non-carnivorous leaves separated from the rosette at the end of winter. You only have to carefully tear out all the leaf particularly with the white base. The new plantlets will sprout from this area. You can succeed too with the summer leaves, but it is better for the plant during winter.


Pinguicula agnata in habitat in Barranca de Toliman, Hidalgo  

Barranca de Toliman

P.agnata in habitat.

Photo : F. Rivadavia

P.agnata surprisingly growing alongside cacti and agaves.

Photo : F. Rivadavia

P.agnata surprisingly growing alongside cacti and agaves.

Photo : F. Rivadavia

P.agnata in full bloom even with this dry conditions around.

Photo : F. Rivadavia

P.agnata in full bloom even with this dry conditions around.

Photo : F. Rivadavia

P. agnata with nearly white flower growing in a more "shaded"area.

Photo : F. Rivadavia

P. agnata with purple petals.

Photo : F. Rivadavia

Collection of flowers of P. agnata showing the variability of this species.

Photo : F. Rivadavia

Collection of flowers of P. agnata showing the variability of this species.

Photo : F. Rivadavia

More pictures of P. agnata in habitat can be seen in the article area with postcard 17 and postcard 1  

PINGUICULA AGNATA ‘Holotype’Permalink


Pinguicula agnata, summer rosette.  

Photo: Eric Partrat

- September 2002 -

Pinguicula agnata, close-up of the flower.  

Photo: Serge Mallet

- September 2002 -


Pinguicula agnata, close up of the flower. Note the short spur.  

Photo: Serge Mallet

- September 2002 -

Pinguicula agnata 'type'. Winter rosette.

Photo: Eric Partrat

- November 1998 -


Pinguicula agnata 'El Lobo' teinted of red under good light.  Summer rosette.

Photo: Eric Partrat

- October 2000 -

The white flower of Pinguicula agnata 'El Lobo'  

Photo: Oliver Gluch

Rear view of the flower of Pinguicula agnata 'El Lobo'.  

Photo: Oliver Gluch


Pinguicula agnata 'El Lobo'.  Winter rosette.

Photo: Eric Partrat

- November 1998 -



Pinguicula agnata from CSUF

Photo : Edward L. Read

Leo Song from CSUF, with Pinguicula x 'Titan' his own gigantic  hybrid. Pinguicula agnata 'CSUF' is one of the parentage. 

Photo : Edward L. Read
