Drippings walls
ingenious system has been invented by Jurg Steiger, a well known precursor in
growing temperate Pinguicula. J got all my experience in temperate
pinguicula by reading his publications in ICPS and relative journals.
have two experimental walls and I am still working to improve the system. It is
very difficult to provide a good amount of light for the plants and in a same
time to keep the wall cool in summer.
My two experimental dripping walls. Photo : Eric Partrat |
Pinguicula grandiflora Photo : Eric Partrat |
use some test plants for the experiments (sorry). I choose Pinguicula
grandiflora ssp. grandiflora, a prolific species that gives many gemmae each
is the presentation of the original dripping wall by Jurg Steiger : Pinguicula
(lentibulariaceae) : The cool climate species of the northern hemisphere -
morphology, biology, cultivation; a presentation he gave in the Second
conference of the International Carnivorous Plant Society, Bonn, Germany, May 30
- June 1st, 1998 :
live in Central Europe, in a suburb of Bern, at 600m, 25km north of the Prealps.
Summer maxima reach+30°C, winter minima -15°C. I grow most Pinguicula
on vertically positioned PVC sheets (20mm thick) equipped with horizontal 'lamellas'
put into 45° angle slits. The vertical distance from lamella is 40mm. The
lamellar sheets are fixed within a greenhouse along the north-east wall of his
house which is surrounded by some trees on the east side. From mid-December till
mid-January the plants do not get any sun at all. In summer they get 1-2 hours
of sun in the morning when the sun appears between the trees and the projection
of the roof. A timer allows water to trickle from time to time though the
substrate which never be too soggy (to avoid rootness). The greenhouse is
divided into three climate compartments. In all three compartments there are
fans to produce wind for 15 minutes each hour and ultrasound fog machines to
produce high air humidity.
Pinguicula grandiflora and others specie in the original dripping wall of Jurg Steiger. Photo : Eric Partrat |
Pinguicula vallisnerifolia in the original dripping wall of Jurg Steiger. Photo : Eric Partrat |
A is kept open all spring, summer and autumn but closed and slightly heated
in winter to avoid frost (winter temperature +1° to +8 °C). In this
compartment I grow the Isoloba species (P. crystallina/hirtiflora and P.
B is kept open all the year except in winter days with heavy frost. In
light frost it is open allowing the substrate to get slightly frozen. In this
compartment I grow P. vallisneriifolia, P. longifolia ssp. caussensis and
subsp. reichenbachiana, P. dertosensis, P. mundii and P.
macroceras ssp. nortensis.
C is kept open all winter except in heavy frost but closed from
spring to autumn. It is cooled with a professional cooling system allowing e.g.
a night temperature of +5°C and a day temperature of +10°C even if it is 25°C
or more outside. Household air conditioners are useless as their compressor is
not constructed for temperatures below 18°C. In this compartment J grow P.
alpina, balcanica, corsica, fiorii, grandiflora, leptoceras, longifolia ssp.
longifolia, macroceras, nevadensis, ramosa and vulgaris. These species are
infested by fungi if not exposed to an ultraviolet source.
mid-June to the end of August P. variegata and villosa (and
hopefully in near future P. algida) are grown in a horizontal
refrigerated box similar to those used in food markets. As the air humidity is
constantly reduced due to the condensation at the surface of the cooling pipes,
the entering cooled air must be rehumidified to at least 70% relative
humidity. From the beginning of September to the beginning of June the named
species are kept in a deep freezer at -15°C."
long road to follow ...