
  • Family: Lentibulariaceae
  • Genus: Pinguicula
  • Name: Pinguicula planifolia
  • Sub-classification (Casper): link
  • Publication: Chapman in Fl. south U.S. ed. 3 (1897) 303

Description In CasperPermalink

Perennis. Rhizoma simplex breve radicibus adventitiis funiformibus numerosis. Folia numerosa radicalia rosulata oblongo-elliptica vel oblongo-spathulata apice rotundata basi angustata in statu adulto plana margine vix involuta; superne glanduloso-viscosa, glandulis sessilibus dense et glanulis stipitatis modice dense vestita; (40) 45 - 95 (120) mm longa, (10) 12 -19 (28) mm lata fusco-viridia vel rubro-viridia. Hibernacula nulla. Pedicelli 1 - 3 (4) erecti proceri glandulis stipitatis modice dense apicem versus dense obtecti (157) 230 - 310 (333) mm alti uniflori. Flores maximi (20) 22 -26 (33) mm longi (calcari incluso). Calyx bilabiatus subfuscus vel rubro-fuscus extus glandulis stipitatis disperse vestitus; labium superum trilobum lobis usque ad basin fere divisis oblongis 4 - 5 mm longis +/- 2 mm latis; labium inferum bilobum +/- 3 mm longum lobis 2/3 longitudinis coalitis oblongis vel ovato-triangulis apice rtundatis. Corolla subisoloba violaceo-caerulea raro albescens in fauce obscure violacea extus glandulis stipitatis singularibus vestita lobis oblongo-obovatis (7) 10 - 16 (12) mm latis usque ad 1/2 longitudinis incisione obtusa vel acutiuscula seiunctis. Tubus subcylindrico-infundibuliformis obscure violaceus (5) 6 - 8 (10) mm longus (3) 4 - 5 (6) mm latus intus pilosus cum palato et cymatio palati ad basin versus pilis albidis pluricellulatis stipitatis subulatis. Palatum procerum oblongo-conicum 3 - 6 mm longum +/- 2 - 3 mm crassum pilis flavis pluricellulate-stipitatis clavate vel irregulariter capitatis obtectum; cymatium palati pilis flavis vel rubro-flavis breviter stipitatis irregulariter capitatis obtectum; in duabus striis utrimque cymatii palat pilis irregulater capitatis. Calcar subcylindrico- saccatum breve obtusum vel rotundatum subfuscum vel rubro-fuscum (1) 2 - 3 (4) mm longum cum tubo angulum subrectum formans. Stamina +/- 2 mm longa; filamenta violacea; antherae flavae; pollen (3) 4 - 5- colporatum. Ovarium subglobosum glandulis stipitatis modice dense obtectum. Stigma bilabiatum violaceum labio supero lacinia parva, labio infero suborbiculato. Capsula subglobosa +/- 5 mm diametro calycem subaequans. Semina scobiformia numerosa fusiformia 0.5 - 0.7 mm longa 0.2 - 0.35 mm lata alveolata.

Chromosomata 2 n = 32

Floret : III - IV

Origin and HistoryPermalink

From South east of the USA. This species show leaves with a deep red color.

Location / MapPermalink

Pinguicula planifolia can be found in Louisiana to the Florida panhandle .

(click on the map for better location and relief map)


Pinguicula planifolia can be found in very wet habitat : seep slope, bog, dome swamp, ditches of the coastal plain, growing among grasses. This species have leaves that turn deep red color in sunlight.


All carnivorous plants are threaten by drainage of site, degradation of water quality and all human activities. This species

Introduction to HorticulturePermalink

This species is unfortunately still very rare in culture despite skilled growers that make seeds available worldwide but can be purchased in some limited carnivorous plants nurseries.

Growth and PropagationPermalink

(North hemisphere, France near Paris, in a garden - see the map

Life CyclePermalink

This species, native from Southeastern USA, stay all the year under rosette form. They rise beautiful flowers from March to april according to temperatures.


The plants grow in a mix of 1/2 peat and 1/2 non calcareous sand.


Plastic, colour terracotta, diameter 12.5cm, height 12cm.


Here are the growing tips of Bob McMorris, one of the best grower I know for these species (personnal communication with Bob on September 29th 2001) :

“I would suggest 50% peat, 50% sand for P. lutea, P. caerulea and P. pumila (actually P. pumila occurs all the way south into the Florida Keys and the Bahamas, where they grow in pockets of limestone with perharps a bit of sand and decomposed plant matter; so I suspect this species can grow with a bit of vermiculite and less peat. The last three species); P. planifolia, P. primuliflora, and P. ionantha generally grow in very wet areas, with P. primuliflora having been recorded as growing under water along the edges of streams.

I grow these species with a base of peat and then the upper layer of live Shagnum. The seeds should be started on peat and then when large enough (perhaps the second season) moved into Sphagnum. The first 3 (P. lutea, P. caerulea and P. pumila) are usually found along side the road in low grasses where they get quite a lot of sun. The ground is usually damp not wet. The latter 3 (P. planifolia, P. primuliflora, and P. ionantha) are usually found in much wetter locations, but still receiving quite a lot of sun. I have grown them on the tray system under lights with success, however they do much better outdoors with full sun.”


Some plants in culture forms seeds but it is very rare as growers that succeed in having adult plants flowering in culture are not numerous despite this species behing easier than the others south-east USA Pinguicula.


Oliver Gluch at work along road picturing Pinguicula planifolia.

Photo : Bob McMorris

Pinguicula planifolia flowering in habitat.

Photo : Bob McMorris

The very wet habitat of Pinguicula planifolia.

Photo : Bob McMorris

Pinguicula planifolia flowering in very wet habitat.

Photo : Bob McMorris

Pinguicula planifolia flowering in his wet habitat.

Photo : Bob McMorris

A deeply incised flower form of Pinguicula planifolia. Note the very wet habitat.

Photo : Bob McMorris

Pinguicula planifolia flowering in habitat. Note the deep red coloration of the rosettes.

Photo : Bob McMorris

Pinguicula planifolia along ditch, typical scenario to see P. planifolia growing with sundews (D. capillaris 'northern' form and not seen in this picture D. filiformis var. tracyi). 

Sarracenia psittacina also occurs in the same area.

Photo : Bob McMorris

Pinguicula planifolia in habitat, close to Sarracenia. W.hen grown in full sun, the leaves can be a striking color; however if grown with more shade, the leaves will turn green. There is also a green form which does not turn red even in the sunlight

Photo : Bob McMorris

Pinguicula planifolia in culture.

Photo : Stefan Ippenberger
