(By Noah Elhardt and Forbes Conrad, , 2006

(All pictures by Noah Elhardt and Forbes Conrad)


anensis, anensis, and more anensis...


Pinguicula moranensis in Taxco, in Guerrero and in Mexico states, Mexico.



Its raining here in Taxco, Guerrero, Mexico, so this gives Forbes and I a good excuse to take a break from ping hunting and post some more photos. Here is an overview of the three P. moranensis sites we have encountered thus far.

The first site was a little depressing. These plants in eastern Mexico state were growing on a cliff by a roadside, and heaped around the bottom of the cliff was mounds of garbage. Several plants were even being shaded out by the mounds of trash! The stench of a nearby decomposing dog added to the atmosphere.









The plants themselves were interesting though, particularly because of the distinct variation in coloration present. Most prevalent was the typical lime green plants. A few rosettes, however, showed purple coloration at the leaf base or were entirely maroon in color! These latter plants were sadly not in flower.

Here's a comparison shot of the two plant forms:










The cliff was composed of what looked like slate, mostly unstable.



Many of the plants were growing in a thick layer of moss that covered much of the cliff surface.



The second site was nearby, next to a large water cascade. This moist environment created a veritable jungle of Tillandsic activity.



We quickly located two large P. moranensis specimens, one in flower:




We had a bus to catch, though, and since the bus station was a 40 minute bike ride over of cobblestone hills (ouch), we had to hasten off before finding any more Pinguicula.



Farther south in the state of Mexico, a 2500 ft. climb by bicycle brought us to a P. moranensis population growing on a vertical roadside cliff.



The plants were on a cliff by the roadcut visible near the left center of the picture (the back hill).

Only a few plants were within range for our cameras, and most of them hadn't started flower yet. The decomposing granite substrate made climbing to the flowering plants too risky.


looking straight up:

Most of the flowers visible were a dark pink to purple colour.

One plant, however, was quite different, both in its much paler color and in the shape :

It reminded Forbes of what he has grown as P. rectiflora. Any thoughts?

Also on this mountain was a P. parvifolia population. Looks like the rain has stopped, though, so that will have to wait for another day.

Noah Elhardt and Forbes Conrad